A good search engine optimisation strategy (SEO) is essential for any website that wants to attract and retain visitors. SEO can help drive more website traffic and boost your search engine rankings. Search engine optimisation techniques, such as technical SEO, can be used to optimise your website for search engines. 

Implementing simple technical SEO tips can make all the difference if you're looking to boost your website traffic instantly. In this blog post, we'll share 10 technical SEO tips that you can use to get more visitors to your website quickly. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced SEO practitioner, you'll be able to find great tips that you can implement right away. So, let's get started!

Technical SEO should be an integral part of any SEO strategy. It is the foundation for SEO success and can help you get more traffic, visibility, and rankings. Here are 10 technical SEO tips to boost your traffic and help you rank higher.

What is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO aims to ensure a website's pages are crawlable and indexed by search engine bots for ranking purposes. It is a critical component of any successful search engine optimisation campaign. Technical SEO involves various activities, from analysing website structure to setting up redirects and meta tags.

 It also includes optimising page speed, ensuring mobile friendliness, and ensuring the website is accessible and secure. By guaranteeing a website meets all the requirements to be indexed by search engines, businesses can ensure their websites are ranked higher and more visible in search results. This increases their chances of receiving more organic traffic, which can result in more leads and conversions.

How to make a Website Mobile-Friendly

Making a website mobile-friendly is a process of ensuring that a website is optimised for use on mobile devices. It involves creating a user interface that works on desktop and mobile devices and ensuring that content is readable and easy to navigate on a small screen. The first step in creating a website mobile-friendly is to use a responsive design. 

This involves creating a website that automatically adjusts its layout to fit the device. This allows the website to look good on any device size and ensures content is easy to read and navigate. Another important element is optimising loading time, compressing images, caching, and optimising your code.

How to optimise XML Sitemap

XML sitemaps are an essential tool for website optimisation. They help search engines find, crawl and index web pages more effectively. By using a properly structured and optimised XML sitemap, web admins can ensure that search engines properly index their content. The first step in optimising an XML sitemap is to ensure it is properly structured.

 An optimised XML sitemap should include all relevant information about each page, including the title, description, keywords, and URL. The XML sitemap should consist of only live web pages indexed by search engines. This will help search engines quickly identify and index new content on the website.

How to Speed Up Your Website

That's important to understand how to speed up your website. It is important to identify areas for improvement first. This can be done using tools such as Google PageSpeed Insights, which provides detailed feedback on how to speed up your website. 

Once you have identified areas for improvement, you can optimise your website. It includes optimising your images for faster loading, compressing and minifying your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files, and reducing the number of HTTP requests. You should also ensure that your hosting environment is optimised for website speed.

How to Fix Your Site Errors by Performing Weekly Technical SEO Site Audits

Having an error-free website is essential. The best way to ensure that your website is free of errors is to perform weekly technical SEO site audits. You should identify any website issues that could hurt your SEO efforts. 

You should also check for potential security issues, such as malware or viruses. Once you have identified the problems, you can begin to fix them. This may involve updating or removing outdated content, fixing broken links, and adding new content to improve your website's relevance and value.

How to optimise internal links on a website?

Optimising internal links on a website is an important task to make a website more user-friendly, search engine-friendly, and organised. Internal links are links placed within a website, connecting various pages of the same domain. Internal links help visitors navigate the website and help search engines discover more pages on a website. 

The first step in optimising internal links is to create a detailed site map. This helps to ensure that all pages of the website are linked together. Once the site map is made, it is important to update it regularly so that all changes to the website are accurately reflected in the site map.

How to Include Your Main Keywords in Image Alt Text

When optimising a website for search engine optimisation (SEO), one of the most important things to consider is how to include your main keywords in image alt text. Image alt text is an HTML attribute that provides a short description of an image. 

It is also a key factor in SEO, as it can help search engines better understand the page's content. The first step to including your main keywords in the image alt text is to create a list of relevant keywords. Think about the topic of the page and the images, and come up with a list of words or phrases that could describe them. Once you have your list of keywords, it is important to include them in the alt text.

How to Use Canonical URLs to Avoid Duplicate Content Issues

Canonical URLs are important for website owners to avoid duplicate content issues. A canonical URL is an official, recognised version of a web page. This makes it easier for search engines to crawl the page, index it, and display it in search engine results. 

When two or more URLs point to the same content, search engines may need to know which is the most relevant or authoritative, resulting in duplicate content issues. To avoid this, you can use Canonical URLs to help search engines identify the correct page. To set up a canonical URL, you'll need to add a rel="canonical" attribute to the <head> section of each page with duplicate content.

How to Install an SSL Certificate for Your Website

Installing an SSL certificate for your website ensures a secure, private connection between your website and its users. In this tutorial, we’ll walk through installing an SSL certificate for your website. First, you’ll need to purchase an SSL certificate from a trusted authority. 

Most web hosting companies offer SSL certificates, and you should select one that meets your security needs. Once you’ve purchased the SSL certificate, you’ll need to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) from your web server. You’ll use this CSR to request the SSL certificate from the Certificate Authority.

How to Check and Fix Crawl Errors in Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a free web-based tool developed by Google. It helps web admins monitor and maintains their website's presence in search engine results pages (SERPs). Checking and fixing crawl errors in Google Search Console is critical to website maintenance and optimisation. 

Crawl errors occur when Googlebot cannot access a page on your website. This could be due to various reasons, such as a broken link, a page that has been moved, or a page that is no longer available. When crawl errors occur, your website may not appear in Google search results, severely affecting your website traffic.

How to Find and Fix Broken Links on Your Site

Finding and fixing broken links on your site is important to maintaining an organised and functional website. Broken links can be frustrating for your visitors, especially if they want something specific and can’t access it. The first step to finding broken links is to use a tool to scan your site. 

There are many link-checking tools available, both free and paid. These tools browse your site and report back with a list of broken links. You can start fixing broken links when you have a list of broken links. If the link is intended to point to an external site, check to see if the page is still available.


In conclusion, implementing these 10 technical SEO tips can help you instantly boost your website's traffic and visibility. Optimising your website's code, improving page speed, and creating an ideal internal link structure can give your website the edge it needs to stand out against the competition. With patience and dedication, you can drive more organic traffic to your website and increase your overall search engine ranking.