A CRM is a tool that can help your business to improve its performance, whether you’re a sole trader or a multinational corporation. But how do you make sure that the software is working for you, rather than simply using up space on your computer? Here are some tips for getting more out of your CRM:

1. Create a plan.

Effective CRM systems rely on clean and accurate data. The first step in maintaining this is creating a plan for data management. It is important to define the goals of your CRM system, including how you will use it and what information you need to capture. You also need to determine how often you will update your records and how long it will take before the information becomes outdated.

Once you have this information, create a plan for capturing new information, updating existing records, and deleting old ones. This plan should include steps for checking your database for errors and making necessary changes when they are found.

2. Use your CRM to optimize the sales cycle.

If you're not using a CRM to manage the relationships with your prospects and customers, then you're missing out on an opportunity to improve lead generation, customer retention, revenue growth, and sales productivity.

The key is knowing how to use it correctly. Your CRM should be an extension of your sales team — not just another tool they have to learn how to use. But if your CRM seems as a complex tool to use by your reps and you think they could use a bit of help, Bloobirds could help. It's a sales engagement platform that sits on top of your CRM to make it seller-friendly, it increases CRM adoption, boosts productivity, and drives more revenue. It allows your team to save time on admin tasks, users are guided through every step and all activity is automatically synchronized with you CRM. You can use Bloobirds to help manage your sales pipeline from lead generation through closing a sale.

3. Measure marketing and sales performance.

A CRM should be able to measure how well your marketing activities are working, as well as how well your sales team is performing. If you can’t measure your marketing efforts against each other or against the industry average, then you probably don’t have a good picture of how well you are doing at converting leads. The same goes for sales. You should be able to see which deals closed on time, which deals didn’t close at all and which deals are still open. This will help you determine what kinds of leads convert into customers and what kinds don’t so that you can focus on improving those areas that need improvement.

4. Use your CRM to manage your sales team.

One of the best things about CRMs is that you can use them to keep track of all aspects of your business, from leads to inventory and customer service issues. A strong CRM allows you to see all these data points at once, so you can make informed decisions based on accurate information.

If you want to increase the value of your CRM, integrate it with other tools in order to make sure everything is connected properly and everyone knows what they need to do in order for the company to run smoothly.

5. Clean up your database.

Data quality is a common concern with CRM systems, because they often rely on manual input from users. If you have an out-of-date contact list or incorrect company data, it will lead to inaccurate sales forecasts and missed opportunities. Your salespeople will also waste valuable time calling on the wrong person or company, which could result in a loss of business.

It’s important to regularly clean up your CRM database and make sure that everyone in the organization is using the same version of the information. You should also ensure that all of your contacts are assigned to the right company and division within your organization, as well as any relevant contact information (e.g., job titles). This will help ensure that you’re sending emails to the right people at the right time and that you don’t end up wasting time contacting people who aren’t interested in what you have to offer.

6. Start small, then go big.

Some companies make the mistake of making too many changes at once. They want their sales reps to use the new CRM right away, but this can lead to confusion and frustration for both sales reps and customers alike. Instead, consider making just one or two changes at a time until everyone gets used to the new system — and then repeat this process as needed. For example, if you decide to change your pricing structure, do so only after providing adequate training for all involved parties (including customers).

Final Say

After reading this guide, you should be better equipped to make the most of your CRM. This can help improve your ROI, give you a strategic edge, and ultimately turn customers into loyal fans that return time and time again. Use these tips as you work your way through your CRM and start seeing results for yourself.