SEO is an important part of your business. It can affect how many people visit your website, which can lead to more customers, sales and profits for your company. However, it's easy to make mistakes that hurt the performance of your SEO strategy. In this post we'll cover some common SEO mistakes and provide tips on how you can avoid them so you don't see a drop in your rankings or traffic levels after implementing a new SEO in Brisbane campaign.

  1. Publishing Duplicate Content

Duplicate content is a big no-no in the world of SEO. When Google sees two pages that are almost identical, it assumes that you're trying to cheat the system and sends both those pages plummeting down its rankings. 

It's important to remember that duplicate content isn't just limited to text; images, videos, and even internal links can be flagged as duplicates as well.

To avoid this mistake:

  • Make sure all of your webpages are unique when it comes to content and structure—don't reuse titles or copy from other pages on your site (or from other sites).
  • Look for any instances where you may have accidentally included different variations of the same image or video across multiple pages.
  1. Ignoring On- Page SEO

On-page SEO refers to the content of your website and how it is optimized for search engines. The key components of SEO in Brisbane campaign include your title tags, meta descriptions, URLs and content.

To optimize your site for search engines:

  • Use relevant keywords in all titles and descriptions on your site. Keywords should appear at least once in the title tag, and preferably once per page. If you want more information about a particular topic or keyword phrase (or even an entire category), use that term several times throughout the content (on several different pages). 
  • So that Google can easily determine what your page is about when someone searches for it using that keyword phrase or category name. For example: if you're writing a blog post about dog training techniques, make sure that "dog training techniques" appears somewhere within each paragraph of text so Google knows what this post is all about! You can also include synonyms like "training methods" or "how-to articles" if they are related terms in order to give Google extra signals on what exactly belongs here!
  1. Poor Link building

Link building is an important part of the SEO process, but there are some common mistakes that can hurt your rankings.

The first mistake is when you build links from spammy or low-quality sites. These will not help you in any way and may even hurt your site's rankings because Google can detect this type of behaviour.

Another common mistake is when people build links from websites that already link to them, or from sites that already link to their competitors. If a website is linking to multiple pages on your site and also linking to another similar site, it could seem suspicious. 

SEO Mistakes

If it's done for no reason other than improving the authority of these two pages—and therefore improving their ranking as well—which wouldn't help anyone but Google itself!

It also helps if we're building links on high-quality websites with relevant content; this way we're helping both humans AND machines find more useful information online!

  1. Avoiding Social Media

Social media is a great way to get your brand out there and connect with potential customers, but it can also be used for more than just marketing. In fact, social media offers many benefits that are not as widely known.

Social media allows you to create awareness of your business and build trust among consumers. It's a great way for companies to reach out to potential customers by providing them with free content on their blog or website in exchange for an email address so they can keep in touch with them over time. 

This enables businesses to understand their needs better and provide products that meet those needs better in order to generate more sales leads per customer acquisition cost (CAC). 

Additionally, social-media platforms allow businesses to advertise directly without having any middleman involved which means that they will spend less money while still getting good results!

  1. Forgetting Competitive Analysis

Having a competitive analysis is important when it comes to SEO in Brisbane campaign. It is an essential component that helps you understand your competitors and their strategies so you can use them in your own campaign.

The competitive analysis should include:

  • Keyword research: You need to know what keywords your competitors are targeting and how they're doing so. That way, if they are ranking high on certain keywords, then you can look at the content they have published and see if it's something that could work for you as well. 
  • If not, maybe there are other ways to optimize the content such that it will do better against those terms (like longer titles or meta descriptions).
  • Content strategy: Look at how often they post new content on their blog and whether this frequency fits with yours. Also look at how long their articles tend to be compared with yours; if something isn't working out well for them, then perhaps something else would work better for your site instead (i.e., shorter or longer posts).
  1. Avoiding site loading speed

A slow website is not a good user experience. The faster the website loads the better for your rankings, conversions and trust.

  • Reduce image size: You can do this by compressing images using tools like TinyPNG or Canva (which are both free).
  • Reduce ad sizes: Ads take up space on your site and make it slow to load, so try to reduce their size as much as possible. You might also want to consider using Adsense instead of Adwords so that your ads won't be too big at all!
  • Use Google PageSpeed Insights: This tool will tell you how well optimized your site is in terms of speed and other things like mobile friendliness etc., which can help you improve these areas if they aren't very good yet (or even if they are!).
  1. Not tracking site traffic and flow with Google analytics

In order to really understand what is happening with your site, you need to track the traffic and flow of people visiting it. This can give you insight into what content is popular and why, how many people are coming to the site and when, who's reading which pages and more. Google analytics is a great tool for this type of analysis.

You should set up Google analytics before even launching a website or blog post so that you have access to accurate data from day one. You'll want to set up goals around specific actions on your page—for example: "If someone reaches my homepage then they should see two banner ads."

  1. Not Being Mobile Ready

  • Mobile is the future. You've likely heard this a few times before, but it's worth re-stating again: mobile is here to stay and will continue to be an important aspect of your business. This means that if you're not making your website mobile-friendly, you're missing out on a huge percentage of potential customers.
  • How does this affect SEO? It turns out that Google has been using mobile friendliness as part of their ranking algorithm—meaning that having a site with great design won't necessarily get you any extra points from Google if it isn't optimized for the mobile version! If you want all those sweet rankings, make sure your site can be used easily by smartphone users too!
  1. Poor Site structure

Site structure is the way your website is arranged. It's important to have a good site structure because it helps search engines find your content and users find it. However, having a good site structure doesn't just mean arranging your content in a logical way. 

It also has to do with how many pages you have, how often you update them, and where they're located on your website. You want an easy-to-follow path so that anyone (including search engines) can easily get from one page to another without getting lost along the way.

A good place to start improving your site structure is by using breadcrumbs (the "breadcrumb" term refers to the trail of links at the top or bottom of webpages). 


In summary, there are many ways that you can improve your campaign strategy. The key is to make sure that the content on your site is high quality and relevant for those who are looking for it. It's not just about having a site with lots of pages or a certain number of links pointing towards it—it's about making sure that all those pages give users what they need when searching online so they stay engaged with your brand long enough to purchase something from you!