Has it just hit you that you are running out of time to complete your Master’s thesis, and now you need help, or a piece of advice, maybe? The deadline for submitting your thesis is approaching, and the panic is increasing – oh, we get you! Are you wondering about completing your Master’s thesis in 30 days? You’re not alone! Thousands of students went through the same situation, and guess what? They made it, and rest assured that you will get through this situation too!

So, stop panicking and read our guide on how to write your Master’s thesis in the shortest amount of time!

What are The Six Sections of a Master’s Thesis?

First, you need to divide your thesis into six small sections instead of taking and treating it as one giant essay! You can divide your paper into the following standard sections:

  1. Abstract
  2. Introduction
  3. Methodology
  4. Results
  5. Discussion/Conclusion
  6. References

Outlining your Master’s thesis like this will help you better plan and organise your time. You can further plan and dedicate a certain number of days to completing each section. It will make the whole writing process much easier than before. You can follow the following guide to write your thesis perfectly!

  1. Begin with Methodology

You strive to complete tasks as quickly as possible with limited time. It is always better to begin with the methodology section while writing your Master’s thesis because you have already compiled the information; all that remains is to put it on paper. It will also give you a sense of accomplishment because you have completed a section. The results section comes next; you only need to report the findings.

You are more likely to become stuck and unmotivated if you begin with an introduction. Furthermore, once you have completed the methodology and results, you will better understand how to write your introduction.

  1. Write the Introduction

Perhaps the most important part of the thesis is the introduction, and you should devote most of your time to it. You must review and evaluate existing research and consider how it relates to the context of your paper. What is the foundation of your research? The right introduction can mean the difference between a convincing thesis composition and a mediocre paper.

  1. Discuss the Results

The discussion is a synopsis of your findings and how they relate to your research. You must explain how these findings contribute to your discipline’s current understanding. You may need to devote the most time to this because you will need to analyse your research.

It is also important to include your work’s limitations and implications here. You can also compare and critique your work to other similar research papers to ensure you have a thorough understanding of where you stand in the field and what your paper contributes to it.

  1. Write the Abstract

It is best to save the abstract for doing it later, so you can fully summarise your research. Even the abstract, like the rest of the thesis, requires an introduction. It is possibly the first thing your reader notices. Once you’ve explained your research context, the first few lines should be understandable to anyone, not just your peers and experts in your field.

Continue to identify the problem by emphasising the literature gap and the problem your research attempts to solve. Clarify the methods you used to obtain the results, and conclude the abstract with a concise and clear conclusion. Put forward the main point from your research that you want your reviewers to understand.

  1. Add References

A month for a thesis may be too short to devote significant time to references at the end. It will be simpler if you collect them as you go. If using digital citation tools will help you save time here, do not hesitate to use them. Please keep track of all the citations as you read because it will help you later in the writing process. You can use online tools for this purpose.

  1. Stay Consistent While Writing

Unfortunately, you cannot afford to miss any days even though you lack the motivation to write a Master’s thesis. However, the goal is not to spend the entire day writing. Instead, set a daily writing goal for yourself, such as writing a certain number of words or finishing a section. Concentrate on how much you write rather than how much time you spend writing.

  1. Edit Your Thesis

Even if you are tempted to make corrections as you write, doing so will prevent you from progressing. Remember that you will have to do multiple revisions after you finish writing, so avoid devoting time to this task ahead of time.

  1. Review Papers

While writing the thesis, review papers are your best friend. These papers have already done a significant amount of the legwork. They have already reviewed relevant work for alliteration and compiled it for you. You will have access to the most recent findings and the original papers discussed in them. Due to time constraints, you may not be able to read all the articles. Consult the abstracts for a summary because they summarise the paper’s main points.

Bonus Tip – Master’s Thesis Help

If you find it too difficult to finish your Master’s thesis on time, you can also consider hiring Master’s thesis help online in the UK to get perfect academic papers quickly. Many academic writing agencies in the UK, such as The Academic Papers UK & Affordable Dissertation UK, provide clients with the best academic papers at the most reasonable prices. You’ll get your paper in the writing style of your choice (APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago etc.), and your thesis will be tailored to your needs!

Bottom Line:

If you only have one month, you must work smart. Finally, give yourself a week to go over what you’ve written. You can return to the review, proofread, get feedback, and polish your paper during this time. It’s not impossible to finish your Master’s thesis in a month – you can do it. Consistency, smart work and dedication is the key towards doing it!

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