Cancer in the breast cells occurs when the cells grow and divide abnormally. This is a common type of cancer that may affect both men and women. Women have dense breasts, and cancer typically begins in the milk-producing ducts or milk ducts. Early diagnosis of diseases puts forward better recovery. If you notice abnormalities in your breasts, see a doctor.

Consult a gynecologist or healthcare provider at your convenience so that diagnosis takes place early on. There are various treatment options available for breast cancer such as surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, etc. For chemotherapy in North Bengal, visit the top oncologist.

Signs associated with breast cancer

Not everyone develops all signs of breast cancer. Some common symptoms include:

  • Noticing a lump in the breast/underarm
  • A mass/lump felt near the collarbone
  • A swollen spot near the armpit
  • Prickly feeling
  • Changes in the nipples, such as getting sores, itching, inward nipples, or dimpled, scaly, puckered, inflamed nipples
  • Tenderness felt in the breasts
  • Changes in breast size, contour, temperature, colour, or texture
  • Redness of the skin
  • Blood-stained nipple discharge or clear fluid discharge

Metastasis, in simple words, is the spread of cancer to other tissue/organs of the body. This condition is also known as stage 4 cancer. Depending upon where cancer spreads, symptoms arrive:

  • Lungs. shortness of breath, coughing, chest pain, problem breathing
  • Central nervous system. memory loss, seizures, headache, blurry vision, double vision, issues with movement
  • Fatigue, nausea, yellowing of the skin, swelling of the feet
  • Bones. Reduced alertness, fractures, bone pain, muscle pain

Contributing factors for breast cancer

Since all diseases have risk factors, breast cancer is no exception. Let’s discuss what might lead to breast cancer:

  • Being female
  • If you have a personal history of breast cancer or previous breast cancer
  • Increasing age/age over 50
  • Inherited genes
  • Obesity/physical inactivity
  • Having a first child after the age of 30
  • Alcohol drinking
  • Inherited changes to genes (BRCA1, BRCA2)

Breast self-exam is of great help. You can ask your healthcare provider for breast screening. If you have a first-degree relative with breast cancer, consult a doctor. Having a family history of the breast doesn’t ensure you’ll develop the condition for sure. 

Best to refrain from or limit fried foods, added sugar, fast food, sugar consumption/sugar-coated foods, proceed meats, red meat, trans fats, canned foods, and refined carbs as these foods are likely to interfere with well-being. Add wholesome food themes, such as fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, to your diet plan. You might receive chemotherapy in North Bengal under the leading cancer specialist.

Physical inactivity increases the likelihood of several health concerns. Incorporate moderate workouts, and walking into your day-to-day living. Clinical diagnosis of breast cancer rests on several tests/procedures, such as a  physical examination, a complete blood count, bone scan, breast X-ray, MRI, CT scan, breast ultrasound, PET scan. In a breast biopsy, a doctor removes a sample of tissue from your breast for lab tests.

Medical care for breast cancer includes breast surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy drugs, immunotherapy, hormone therapy, et al. Not all people with breast cancer undergo the same pattern of treatments. Reach out to the best hospital for cancer near you. Receive optimal treatment under expert supervision.