There have been several scholars that consider Ayurveda to be a holistic therapy. Even books have confirmed it to be a 5000-year-old practice that was born in India to cure people of their illnesses and allow them to live longer and healthier life.

The concept of Ayurveda is a healing science that allows people to live a more balanced and healthier life. As a progress, this method is been seen traveling to western cultures and is greatly welcomed by them. It has also been realized that they even help in maintaining a work and life balance through Yoga and setting up a consciousness between the mind and the body.

Working of Ayurveda: Learn from the best Ayurvedic clinic

According to the best Ayurvedic clinic, there are two types of Ayurveda: The traditional and the Maharishi. As the name suggests, the traditional is the old pattern, while the Maharishi is considered to be even more old and is based on the translation of Maharishis.  However, both had the same method:

  • Prescribed medicinal herbs
  • We confirm that the disease was a result of the doshas
  • Did not go for too many remedies for treating an illness

The best Ayurvedic certification course teaches individuals about the fingerprint that every person has. This fingerprint is different and unique for each individual and was a combination of mental, emotional, and physical characteristics. Further, practitioners also believe that every individual consists of three different yet powerful energies in them.  Let's take a look at them.

  1. Vata: This energy is associated with motion and controls the functions of the body like blinking, breathing, heartbeat, blood circulation, etc. But the energy that produces fear and anxiety among us is the 'Vata'. However, when it is in total balance, it gives the individual the ability to be creative and productive.
  2. Pitta: The top Ayurvedic doctors in India say that the human body and its metabolisms like digestion, nutrition, and temperature are controlled by 'Pita'. When in total balance, it can let the person be full of wit and contentment. But, when out of balance, it can cause the individual to get angry soon and lose patience.
  3. Kapha: This is the third energy that controls the entire body, provides water to all its parts, moisturizes the skin, and maintains the immunity system. It showcases love and forgiveness when the energy is under control. But, when it is not, the individual can show signs of insecurity and envy.

The best Ayurvedic clinic ensures that the body does not let these energies get out of control. This is the reason why Ayurveda is the most effective way of combating stress. According to the Maharishis, a deep medication can help to reduce anxiety levels in the body. However, modern studies on Ayurveda believe that it is very effective in reducing blood pressure levels and allowing the individual to get a speedy recovery from an illness.

Know about the importance of Ayurveda from the top Ayurvedic doctors in India

The top Ayurvedic doctors in India believe that Ayurvedic medicine can do wonders starting with reducing heart diseases. This medicine is born with the ability to do the most impossible things in the most effortless ways when escorted by the right guidance.

Studies from the best Ayurvedic clinic have also shown that they can reduce and reverse the thickening of arteries (known as atherosclerosis) found in healthy adults.  This is a slow and complex disease and involving cholesterol, fat and can even cause heart attack in an individual. 

Thus, while looking for the best Ayurvedic certification courses, it is better to visit a qualified practitioner who can not only guide you regarding the steps but also make you realize what you are about to learn in your upcoming years and how it will be of great help, especially to unprivileged people.