The process of improving an android app’s performance, i.e. efficiency, user experience, and speed, is the Android app's optimization. The importance of app optimization is just like SEO for websites. Android app developer for hire are not the ones you are looking for. This is a job for SEO/ASP experts.  Optimize your apps to make your position and maintain it, among millions of apps on the play store.

Have a look at these tips for your android app optimization:

  1. Optimizing the code: Ensure writing clean, structured, efficient code that follows the latest standards.
  2. Reduce app size: small app size means quick to load and install time. Plus, the app won’t put much load on the phone thus, it runs faster.
  3. Performance optimization: Reduce background processes, network calls, and other resource-intensive tasks to improve app’s performance.
  4. App testing: Before launching, test your application at different levels and different methods for flawless experience.
  5. User experience enhancement: Great user experience is key to the application's success. UX involves app design, easy-to-navigate, and appealing designs.

Hire Android app developers to get your application optimized and rank them in the app store. Here are a few extra tips for app optimization.

Keyword is the king

Android app optimization is like SEO and it revolves around keywords. Using the right keywords that people are searching for in the app store can improve your app’s ranking. Before getting into it here are some important tips:

  • Choose keywords based on the app's domain and topic.
  • Choose keywords based on user-centric data
  • Update keywords regularly based on user behavior
  • Replace non-performing keywords with new ones
  • Ignore generic and broad-term keywords when starting
  • Use long tail keywords, they help a lot with ranking

Choosing the right keywords is highly important and critical for ranking. Record all the keywords on difficulty, density, and search ranking. Do not rely on just one tool, do not use your instincts to search for keywords, and use a combination of different tools and techniques. Gather all the data then segregate and use the ones that fit your need.

Instead of ranking for high search volume keywords and getting no downloads, ranking for low search keywords and getting downloads is much better. Get your android apps developed the right way, hire an android app developer and make the first step right towards android app optimization.

Using keywords the right way

Along with using the right keywords, using them correctly and strategically is equally important. Use keywords in the title, and description, and sprinkle them over the app's pages. do not force if a keyword does not fit on the page. Short crisp and to-the-point keywords with human-centric content will rank better.

Sprinkling the app's description with keywords without sounding like a robot or overstuffing is the magic silver line. One step ahead and you can overdo things that can ruin the app’s ranking.

Use visuals

Visually presenting the data and information is more effective than any other form. Attracting users with a catchy title or name is the first step, the entire game is on how you present the data. Using icons, pictures, and videos will help keep the user and make their mind to download the application.

Visuals play an important role in android mobile app optimization. Users either first pay attention to the title then the icon or vice versa. Use real pictures of your application so that users do not get disappointed and delete the app right after downloading it. Use promotion videos as well but keep them short, interesting, and to the point.


App optimization ensures the best user experience and app performance. The tools and techniques available for android app optimization are endless. Using them the right way is what matters.  for application development and SEO/ASO experts for ranking. Instead of hiring an in-house team, get remote development resources. Forget managing and the hassle of recruiting in-house teams.

So, if you want to ensure optimizing your Android app to its fullest potential, consider hiring an Android app developer for your project. We hope you have learned the important tips required to optimize and rank your android application in the android play store. Follow these and