Although both men, as well as women, may experience health problems, some issues are more prevalent in women. Many women's issues are undiagnosed. Also, most drug trials do NOT include female test subjects. Women have unique health concerns such as breast and cervical cancers, menopause, and menopause. Females have more frequent urologic conditions. Sexually transmitted infections can cause more damage to women. These eight conditions pose significant health risks for women.

  1. Heart Disease

One of four women is suffering by heart disease. Only 54% of women understand that heart disease can be a serious condition. 49 percent suffer from high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, or smoking, all factors that can contribute to heart disease.

  1. Breast Cancer

Breast cancer can develop in the linings within the milk ducts. The longer life expectancy of developed women makes this a more common condition.

Breast lumps may appear in women first diagnosed with breast cancer. Breast lumps can be non-threatening and are usually not serious. However, each lump must be checked by a qualified care provider.

  1. Cervical Cancer, Ovarian Cancer

Many people don't realize the differences between ovarian or cervical cancer. Cervical carcinoma starts in your lower uterus. While ovarian cancer starts inside the fallopian tubes, cervical cancer is in your lower uterus. Both conditions cause similar symptoms. However, cervical cancer can cause discharge and pain during intercourse.

  1. Gynecological Health

Bleeding, and sometimes even discharge, is part of the menstrual cycles. However, additional symptoms can be indicative of health problems. Unusual symptoms like bleeding between menstruations or frequent urine can mimic other medical conditions.

A swollen or enlarged uterus could indicate serious health problems, such as STDs. Even though mild infections can be easily treated by health care providers, if left untreated they can lead to serious conditions like infertility. You can consult LMA for these services.

  1. Pregnancy Issues

Pre-existing health conditions can get worse during pregnancy and pose a risk to the baby's well-being. If not managed properly, asthma, diabetes, depression, and asthma can affect the mother and child.

Pregnancy can lead to a reduction in red blood cell count for a healthy mother, anemia, and even depression. If reproductive cells implant outside the uterus it can make further gestation difficult. Obstetricians are trained to handle both common and rare pregnancies-related health issues.

  1. Auto-Immune Disease

Autoimmune illness is when the immune system attacks healthy cells to eliminate potential threats. Researchers are still puzzled as to why the autoimmune disease affects mainly women. Although there are many autoimmune conditions, most share some symptoms like:

  • Exhaustion
  • Mild fever
  • Pain
  • Skin irritation
  • Vertigo


Osteoporosis reduces bone strength, allowing bones to fracture more easily. This condition can be caused mostly by women.

  • Age
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Certain prescriptions
  • Genetics
  • You are not getting enough exercise
  • Low body mass
  • Smoking
  • Steroid use

To detect osteoporosis, healthcare providers will use an X-ray or ultrasound diagnostic to measure bone density.

  1. Depression And Anxiety

Natural hormonal fluctuations may cause anxiety and depression. Premenstrual disorders (PMS) are common in women. Premenstrual dysmorphic disorder, on the other hand, has similar symptoms but is much more severe. Many mothers suffer from a depression known as "baby blues" after their child is born. No matter how severe the symptoms may seem, health care providers can offer relief via prescription or treatment.

  1. Health Technology For Women

Soon, new technologies will be developed to help women's medical conditions. Research has led to the development of innovative medical treatments. These include a patient-operated device, which prepares women for breast reconstruction by using carbon dioxide instead. Other medical technologies that are in development include a do-it-yourself Pap smear at home and a saliva test to determine if a woman is pregnant.