Obstructive sleep apnea is a disorder that, when ignored, could cause heart disease, a higher likelihood of anxiety, poor focus, daytime sleepiness, and irritation. Continuous favourable airway pressure treatment is often used to treat OSA. Furthermore, CPAP devices are available in various modes, the most common of which are CPAP auto and fixed.

If you're at a healthcare professional for your free sleeping test, a sleep physician analyses the data and suggests a pressure (fixed) or pressure level (auto-titrating) for one of the professionals to programme into your machine. One is sometimes superior to the other. It all comes down to finding a one-of-a-kind solution that works best for you and your airways. Let us learn more about CPAP auto and fixed devices.

What Is A CPAP Fixed Machine?

Typically, CPAP machines deliver a constant or fixed pressure via a mask custom-fitted for you at several sites. The findings of your sleep study determine this pressure. The physician decides the best pressure medication to keep your airways open when you sleep, avoiding collapses. This, in turn, maintains your oxygen levels instead of creating oxygen desaturation. Desaturations are produced by airway blockage and put additional strain on essential organs such as the kidneys, liver, brain, and heart.

This increases your risk of cardiovascular disease and possibly stroke. CPAP avoids this by providing adequate airway pressure to maintain your airways open, allowing oxygen to circulate in your bloodstream. When you consult a reputable specialist for a free follow-up appointment, you must continuously assess if this set pressure is still your ideal pressure to get the essential information.

What Is A CPAP Auto Machine?

Auto-CPAP also provides a pressure range, enabling the device to titrate to the pressure you require anywhere at any given moment. These devices have an algorithm that determines how much force is required for intake with every breath you take. Your pressure requirements may change during a minute, hour, or night of sleep. There are several instances where this might occur.

Furthermore, the sleeping posture is an excellent illustration. Individuals with OSA suffer apneas when their breathing ceases. This is particularly prevalent in patients who sleep on their backs since gravity takes control and the tongue and jaw naturally loosen and fall back, obstructing the airway and triggering these apneas. As a result, these individuals would demand more titrated CPAP pressure while resting on their backs but less when sleeping on their sides.

What Are The Different Types Of Masks For CPAP Machines?

There are many sorts of masks offered. The type that is ideal for you is determined by your degree of convenience, breathing patterns, and the kind of sleep apnea you experience. Types of CPAP masks involve:

  • Nasal Mask. This choice will keep your nose covered. Individuals who move around a lot while sleeping are typically advised to wear a nose mask.
  • Nasal Pillow Mask. Instead of wrapping your entire nose, a nasal pillow mask merely conceals your nostrils. Several models have prongs that insert into your nostrils. Individuals who use nasal pillow masks may easily use their glasses.
  • Full mask. This triangular mask is designed to cover your mouth and nose. Individuals who breathe through their lips while sleeping should use a complete mask. If you have a nasal obstruction, your doctor could suggest this mask.

What Are The Benefits Of CPAP?

The advantages of the CPAP machine include:

  • Improved Immune System

Sleep apnea patients possess greater levels of inflammation and fewer T-cells, making it harder to defend against foreign invaders. To keep flu and colds at bay, use a CPAP and wash the supplies on a routine basis.

  • More Power

When your sleep cycle is disrupted, your body cannot receive sufficient restful sleep for physical and mental repair, and you wake up irritable, sore, and exhausted. Several patients experience an instant rise in energy levels after starting CPAP treatment, while others detect a change after only a few weeks.

  • Improved Sleep

A CPAP machine can give you the impression of being completely relaxed and stress-free. Think about getting up with pains and weariness and being fatigued every day. With the help of your CPAP, you may enjoy a pleasant, restful sleep.

  • Diabetes Risk Reduction

Sleep apnea is connected to the development and rapid deterioration of type 2 diabetes even though hypoxia, or lack of oxygen, affects glucose metabolism by raising glucose resistance and swelling. Research suggests that CPAP could enhance glucose homoeostasis by improving metabolism regulation and lowering glucose resistance.

  • Fewer Headaches

Among the most aggravating sleep apnea signs is waking up with headaches; nevertheless, oxygen deprivation in the bloodstream may cause throbbing pain around the brain. When your body is depleted of oxygen, blood vessels widen to promote blood flow. However, when there is insufficient carbon dioxide, oxygen is recycled in the circulation and may cause discomfort. Patients might get trapped in a cycle of migraines and pain, waking up each morning or even being awakened throughout the night owing to headaches.


A reported comprehensive review contrasted and compared twenty-four randomised controlled studies that evaluated individuals on CPAP fixed with those on CPAP auto. Both techniques of CPAP pressure improved similarly. In assessing fixed to auto-titrating CPAP, the research found no relationship in blood pressure variations, side effects, or, most significantly, the standard of living. Overall, it boils down to your preferences and lifestyle, as well as the physician's suggestions regarding the validity of the sleep study.