There are a lot of direct flights from the USA to India. Direct flights are provided by a number of airlines between some of the important American cities like New York, San Francisco, Chicago, and Los Angeles and important Indian cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, and Chennai.

Popular airlines like Air India, United Airlines, Delta Air Lines, American Airlines, and Emirates offer frequent direct flights between the United States and India. Depending on the airline and the departure and arrival cities, there may be differences in flight availability and schedules.

Which direct flight from the USA to India is the quickest?

The non-stop Air India flight between San Francisco International Airport and Indira Gandhi International Airport in New Delhi is currently the fastest direct flight between the USA and India.

Depending on the wind and weather, this flight travels a distance of about 7,700 miles and takes 16 to 17 hours to complete.

Other airlines, including United Airlines, Delta, and American Airlines, also offer direct flights from various US cities to important Indian cities, though the length of the flight will depend on the route taken and whether any layovers are required.

Best airlines for direct flights from the USA to India

The best airline for you may depend on your unique travel requirements and preferences. There are many airlines that provide direct flights from the USA to India. However, these are a few of the best airlines for direct flights from the USA to India:

  • India's national airline, Air India: provides direct service to Delhi and Mumbai from New York, Chicago, San Francisco, and Washington Dulles.
  • United Airlines: United Airlines offers direct flights to Delhi and Mumbai from Newark and San Francisco.
  • Delta Air Lines: Delta provides nonstop service between Mumbai and New York (JFK).
  • American Airlines: The airline operates nonstop flights to Delhi from Chicago and Dallas/Fort Worth.
  • Emirates flies nonstop to Dubai from New York, Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston, and Los Angeles. From there, travellers can connect to a number of Indian cities.

Important advice for flying Directly to USA 

Direct flights can be convenient and time-saving, but in order to make the trip comfortable and stress-free, it's important to be prepared. Here are some crucial pointers for flying nonstop:

  • Arrive early at the airport: Arriving at the airport early is always a good idea, especially for international flights. You won't feel rushed as a result and will have enough time to check in, get through security, and board the plane.
  • Pack sensibly: A neck pillow, earplugs, a book or e-reader, some snacks, and any other necessities you might require during the flight should all be packed in your carry-on bag. Do not forget to pack any necessary travel documents or medications.
  • Keep hydrated: It's important to stay hydrated throughout the flight to prevent dehydration, which can lead to fatigue, headaches, and other unpleasant symptoms. Bring a water bottle that can be filled up again, and ask the flight attendant to do so while you are in the air.
  • Move around: Sitting in one place for a long time can cause discomfort and stiffness. To keep your blood flowing, take frequent strolls around the cabin or perform some stretching exercises while seated.
  • Bring entertainment: Long flights can be boring, so make sure you have something to pass the time.