You've heard the advice that a root canal is necessary to save your tooth and remove an infection in your teeth, and you're wondering if the procedure would be painful. Back in the day, root canals were notoriously painful. It's natural to be concerned about your future therapy. However, root canal therapy at Oris Dental Center is painless and straightforward.

What is a root canal?

Root canal therapy is a procedure used to treat teeth that have been damaged or infected. It involves removing the infected nerve tissue from the tooth's center, cleaning the area, and sealing it. This procedure helps prevent further damage to the tooth and can restore its strength and function. 

How long does the root canal take?

Root canal therapy is a unique procedure that requires special care and attention. The endodontic procedure can take anywhere from one to three visits and can last from 30 minutes to two hours per appointment. During the procedure, the tooth's root is accessed, and the pulp chamber is cleaned and sealed to prevent reinfection. The final step is to fill the tooth with a filling or a crown, depending on the severity of the damage.

Symptoms of Root canal

  • Infection in tooth

  • severe pain when the tooth is touched

  • a pimple-like bump on the gums in the area of the damaged tooth

  • discoloration of the tooth

  • A cracked or chipped tooth

  •  swelling in the gums

  • sensitivity to hot and cold

Root canals are essential to prevent further tooth and other teeth damage. The procedure is done with anesthesia and is typically not very painful.

The procedure of Root Canal Treatment:

  • Root canals are a standard dental procedure performed by a dentist or endodontist to remove infected or damaged tissue from the inside of a tooth. 

  • The procedure involves drilling down into the tooth to access the pulp, which contains nerve and blood vessels.

  •  The pulp is then removed and replaced with a rubber-like material, which acts as a sealant for the affected area. 

  • After the material is in place, a temporary filling is put in place, and the tooth will eventually require a permanent crown to protect it from further damage.

The painful Root canal is a myth!

You will not feel any discomfort throughout the root canal operation since dentists use a local anesthetic. The tooth itself causes the pain associated with root canal procedures before treatment. The truth is that eliminating the infection eliminates the pain. Root canals are not painful.

Even if no anesthetic is used, you should not experience discomfort throughout your root canal treatment. To be safe, in oris dental center, dental specialists use anesthesia to numb the tooth and eliminate any potential pain. You may feel slight pressure on your tooth during the procedure, but nothing more.

You may likely feel mild pain and discomfort for a few days following the treatment. This pain is joint for a short period and can be managed with pain medicines. Remember that if it continues for more than a week, you should see your dentist. Click here to learn more about root canals.