We've all been there. We've had a few too many drinks at the bar and we think we can still drive safely. But is it really worth the risk? Drink driving is one of the leading causes of accidents and fatalities on the road, so it's important to know when to call it quits. We'd like to thank motoring solicitors Caddick Davies in the UK, who specialise in drink driving law, as a source of inspiration when writing of this article. So without further delay, here's a look at why you should never drink and drive.

Every year, thousands of people are killed or injured in car accidents caused by drunk drivers

Drunk driving is a debilitating reality that results in thousands of deaths and a countless amount of injuries each year. It is an issue that affects everyone, regardless of age, location, or circumstance. Perhaps the most devastating aspect of these car accidents is the fact that they are completely preventable with an individual choice to not drink and drive.

Though stiffer laws punishing those who do choose to operate their vehicles while drunk have been put into place in many areas around the world, more can always be done in terms of preventive measures such as increased education and awareness programs. When it comes to the safety of oneself and those around them, it's important to remember that nobody should ever take the risk associated with getting behind the wheel after drinking.

It's not just the driver who is at risk - passengers, pedestrians, and other innocent bystanders can be hurt or killed as well

When you think of road safety, drivers often get the bulk of our focus. However, it is also important to recognize that they are not the only ones in danger. Pedestrians, cyclists, and other people who happen to be nearby can also be hurt or killed if a driver recklessly disregards traffic laws or acts out of negligence or carelessness.

In many cases, these victims have no control over their own destinies and are left to bear the brunt of someone else’s careless actions; this makes road safety all the more important for everyone around. We must all strive to ensure that no matter who is driving and no matter who is nearby, we keep everyone on the streets safe.

Drinking and driving is a completely preventable crime, yet it still happens far too often

Drinking and driving is a crime that, though preventable, unfortunately, continues to occur with alarming frequency. Many young adults may feel invincible and fail to recognize the risks associated with this type of behavior.

However, in order to stay safe on the roads, it's important for all drivers to keep their wits about them and not drive after drinking alcohol.

From dangerous driving conditions to collisions with other cars or pedestrians, there are countless ways that driving under the influence can lead to tragedy for those on and off the road. As such, it is vital that we take an active stance against drinking and driving in order to ensure everyone's safety.

If you're going to drink, don't get behind the wheel of a car - take public transportation, call a cab, or have someone else drive you home

If you plan to socialize with alcohol, be certain to make responsible choices. Driving a car after drinking is not an option; instead, there are a number of sensible alternatives available. Taking public transportation late at night provides a safe and inexpensive way home. If trains or buses aren't running, call a cab instead.

Of course, the safest choice is to choose a designated driver who abstains from alcohol during the event. It's better to take the extra step than risk serious consequences or even endangering innocent lives on the road.

Think about the consequences of your actions before you get behind the wheel after drinking - it's simply not worth it

Before you make the mistake of driving after drinking, take a moment to think about the consequences. The physical and emotional damage it can have on both you and others is simply not worth it. Drunk driving can lead to arrest, imprisonment, fines, revocation or suspension of your license, damage to your reputation and insurance costs that could cause financial hardship for yourself or your family.

Beyond these issues, you may even face long-term safety risks from potential motorist aggression directed at someone who put them at risk while under the influence. Take the necessary steps like calling a ride share or ride service provider, public transportation or arranging for a designated driver instead - thinking ahead by planning can help minimize risks associated with choosing to drive under the influence of alcohol.


Drunk driving is a serious problem worldwide, and it's not just the driver who is at risk. Innocent bystanders, passengers, and pedestrians can also be hurt or killed in accidents caused by drunk drivers. Drinking and driving is a completely preventable crime, yet it still happens far too often. If you're going to drink, don't get behind the wheel of a car - take public transportation, call a cab, or have someone else drive you home. Think about the consequences of your actions before you get behind the wheel after drinking - it's simply not worth it.