You might face difficulty in getting or holding an erection and the first thing that crosses your mind is if it is diagnosed erectile dysfunction. If it happens once in a while, it is not necessarily a dysfunction and might be situational. However, it keeps happening every time you try to get intimate with your partner. It might be time to take an extra step and consult a sexologist. Your erectile dysfunction doctor is adept at diagnosing and treating sexual dysfunction and will do what is best for you.

Erectile dysfunction happens to be the most common sexual dysfunction and can be exhausting for both partners. Not meeting your sexual needs can be frustrating for both but it can create a sense of shame and guilt in the man. The male here might pay a heavy price for the dysfunction in terms of mental peace and self-confidence.

Diagnose Erectile Dysfunction

Diagnosing Erectile Dysfunction happens to be the most common sexual dysfunction and can be exhausting for both partners. Not meeting your sexual needs can be frustrating for both but it can create a sense of shame and guilt in the man. The male here might pay a heavy price for the dysfunction in terms of mental peace and self-confidence.

Most men tend to avoid seeking help believing it is what they have to live with. While the truth is, your doctor can diagnose your condition via the latest technologies and provide you with the best treatment. It does not matter if you have had the dysfunction for years or months or if you never had the pleasure of enjoying a fulfilling sex life. Erection problems at 30 are more common than ever and might need an accurate diagnosis. The development of more modern tools can identify even the most complex cases. One of the latest techniques for diagnosing erectile dysfunction is via RigiScan Technology.

Sexual Stimulation

Sexual stimulation using audiovisual means RigiScan is the most recent tool for diagnose erectile dysfunction and can help distinguish between organic and psychological ED. It is done with compact equipment that uses two wires that are attached to the penis. A wire to the glans penis, while another is connected to many glans penis. These wires do not hold current, radiation, or any harmful rays. A test is performed in a comfortable setting so at the sexologist's office.

While undergoing the exam, every patient is encouraged to relax and feel at ease. Users are taught that mental stress might affect results and cause them to fail, and they are given advice on how to relax. The test is not done in the initial visits and is only done when the patient trusts the doctor and is mentally stable. The positive and relaxed approach makes the test successful and helps in diagnosing erectile dysfunction.


While having such a test, the patient decides to see pornographic content on his or her phone, tablet, or text. And is down to the patient to decide who can assist in getting aroused. When a test is being administered, no one is present in the room to maintain privacy. The environment within the room is often comfortable, and also the temperature is tuned to a patient's preference for maximum comfort. There is no outside influence at play; the apparatus only monitors the penis' reaction to sexual stimuli. There is no use of medication or supplements to help the arousal. The response measured is only your own body's response to the stimulus. Something that is regarded as adequate for measuring your body's response.

The equipment tracks the changes and provides graphs and statistics for the changes during the session. The erectile dysfunction doctor immediately gets to see the results and can take the consultation with the patient. The test accurately measures your erections, the duration of an erection, the rigidity of the penis during erection at the tip and base, and girth width at the time of erection. The equipment can measure the tiniest details and present the data, which can help the sexologist diagnose the condition.

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

The doctor will use other additional tests to formulate the diagnosis. The causes of erectile dysfunction are many, and a sexologist has to assess all the physical and psychological parameters to come to a conclusion. An erectile dysfunction doctor will take a detailed medical and personal history to understand your situation. The basic tests include a blood test, urine test, and an ultrasound to determine the status of your physical well-being. The doctor could also ask you to complete a questionnaire so they can have a better idea of your mental health. After diagnosing your condition, the doctor can start the treatment for erectile dysfunction.

Bottom Line

Erection problems at 30 are newer and might need deeper assessment to figure out the cause. Medical science is bringing the best technologies and more refined methods to diagnose conditions in a better and easier way. Rigiscan is one such method that has helped sexologists diagnose erectile dysfunction.