What is SDA?

Specialist Disability Accommodation is one of the supports funded under NDIS by the government for the participants to lead independent lives. It is a housing option that allows participants to live in a tailor-made house that allows them to move around freely and be independent without having the support of their family and friends.

What is NDIS?

NDIS stands for National Disability Insurance Scheme. It is a disability program started by the Australian government to help people with disabilities live independent lives. It is a program funded by the government that allows the participants to achieve their goals, and it funds all the necessary support for them. NDIS provides a wide range of support to its participants depending on their needs.

SDA is one of the support funds under NDIS. However, all participants cannot access SDA. It is a support that is specifically designed for participants with complex needs. Hence, only the participants that really need to live in tailor-made accommodations for their well-being are provided with the funds for SDA.

SDA for Investors

As an investor, it is a great opportunity for you to gain a greater return on your investments. NDIS SDA investment enables inventors to achieve those results. Many investors in Australia are out to invest in this real estate option as they have acknowledged the growth of this housing. There are many benefits that NDIS SDA investment promises investors.

Investing in property is anyway a great idea to gain profits. While there are many more real estate investment options that might seem better to you but it would be ignorant not to know the potential of SDA investment.

You can invest in this housing option, and you don’t have to worry about the tenants, as the registered service providers are responsible for managing the NDIS participants. You simply need to associate yourself with a reliable NDIS service provider and let them find the tenants for you. They have connections with different service providers and participants. Hence, it is easier to find tenants with their help.

Another reason why SDA investment is profitable for investors is that it usually works with longer leases. With traditional houses, tenants don’t prefer long leases, which affect your portfolio as an investor. There’s also a risk of your property being vacant for a long time if you don’t find another tenant soon. All these problems don’t exist when you invest in SDA. NDIS participants usually prefer longer leases, and your house can be occupied for a long time, so you can keep getting the rent without any fear. You also have less responsibility as service providers are responsible for taking care of the tenants, and they can also find new tenants if you need to look for one.

Who Pays for SDA?

SDA is a support funded by the government for NDIS participants. Hence, the government pays for the rent using the NDIS participants’ funding. However, if the rent is more than their allocated funding, they will need to pay out of pocket for the remaining cost. Without a doubt, you will get guaranteed returns from the government.

If you want to know details more about the SDA rent and ways to invest in NDIS SDA investment, reach out to New Property Specialists. Their team has years of experience in real estate, and they can provide you with the right information regarding investment opportunities in SDA.