A gapped tooth can make you feel self-conscious. But it also impacts the functioning of your tooth. The knowledgeable and experienced dentist checks all the issues in dental bridge in thousand oak and recommends the suitable type of bridge according to your oral health.

Let Us Go Through The Blog To Enhance Your Knowledge About Dental Bridges. 

What Are Dental Bridges?

A dental bridge is a pontic tooth held in place by the abutment teeth on either side of the gap. In addition, pontics are made up of various materials, such as gold, typically made from porcelain to blend in your natural teeth aesthetically.

Types Of Dental Bridges?

Four types of dental bridges apply to the specific conditions of missing teeth.

  • Traditional
  • Cantilever
  • Maryland
  • Implant-supported

For example, small gaps with no space to fix the two abutment teeth may set a more appropriate cantilever bridge.

Traditional Dental Bridges: 

A dental bridge consists of an artificial tooth or teeth being held in place by a dental crown cemented onto each abutment tooth. This is the most popular type when you have natural teeth on both sides of the gap created by your missing teeth.

Cantilever Dental Bridges:

 This type is similar to a traditional bridge; the false tooth in a cantilever bridge is cemented to only one abutment tooth.

 Maryland Dental Bridges:

Similar to traditional bridges, Maryland dental bridges employ two natural abutment teeth, one on each side of the gap. Whereas traditional bridges use dental crowns on abutment teeth, Maryland bridges use a framework of metal or porcelain bonded onto the back of abutment teeth.


As the name implies, implant-supported bridges use in dental implants as opposed to crowns or frameworks. Furthermore, one implant is surgically placed for every missing tooth, holding bridges in position.

Considered the most powerful and stable system, implant-supported bridges commonly require two surgeries are:

  • One is to embed dental implants in the jawbone.
  • A second surgery is to place a bridge.

Why Would Someone Need A Dental Bridge?

  • Living with a missing tooth can affect your appearance and function.
  • Dental bridges can close the gap and restore the beautiful smile boosting self-confidence. 
  • The fixed dental prosthesis is solid and durable.
  • The bridges alter the placement of the tongue for better speech and pronunciation.
  • Finally, dental bridges are essential, for instance, where possible complications follow tooth loss. The missing tooth can trigger a gradual shift in the structure of the remaining teeth, making them spread further. An ideal candidate for dental bridge treatment should have healthy teeth and gums, free from any periodontal disease.

What Benefits Of Dental Bridges?

  • Dental bridges correct the functions and appearance of your teeth. It also improves your smile and chewing of food. Dental bridges are also:
  • Reinforce the structure of your jaw and prevent your existing teeth from shifting.
  • Help retain the shape of your face.
  • They are stable and reliable, lasting up to 15 years.


If you're missing a tooth or several teeth, you have different placement options to discuss with your dentist in thousand oak. There are many benefits to using bridges and many factors, including costs, that you should consider before making a decision.