Keurig coffee makers are one of the most convenient appliances for coffee lovers who don't have time to grind beans or measure out just the right amount of ground coffee. However, sometimes they can have issues and may need to be reset to return to their normal functioning.

If you're experiencing problems with your Keurig coffee maker, you're in luck because we've got a comprehensive guide on how to reset it. In this article, we'll walk you through the process step-by-step so you can enjoy a fresh, hot cup of coffee in no time.


Importance of resetting a Keurig

Resetting your Keurig machine can help to resolve any issues that arise. By resetting, you allow the machine to recalibrate and function as it should, improving the quality of your coffee and prolonging the life of your machine.

When to reset your Keurig

If you notice that your Keurig is malfunctioning or not brewing properly, it may be time to reset it. Other signs that your Keurig requires resetting include clogged water lines, pump malfunction, power surges, and software issues.

Reasons to Reset

Clogged water lines

Over time, mineral deposits and other impurities can build up in the water lines, causing blockages. This can lead to a slower brewing process or a lack of water flow altogether. Resetting your Keurig can help to flush out these blockages and improve the machine's functionality.

Pump malfunction

The pump is a crucial component of your Keurig machine and is responsible for water flow. A malfunctioning pump can cause the machine to produce weak or unbrewed coffee. Resetting your Keurig can help to reset the pump and get it functioning as it should.

Power surges

Power surges can cause your Keurig machine to shut down or malfunction. By resetting the machine, you can help to reestablish the proper power supply and restore proper function.

Software issues

Like any other technology, Keurig machines run on software that can occasionally experience glitches or errors. By resetting your Keurig, you can help to correct these software issues and restore proper functionality.

Steps to Reset

Unplugging and plugging in your Keurig

One of the simplest ways to reset your Keurig machine is to unplug it, wait a few minutes, and then plug it back in. This helps to reset the power supply and can often solve minor issues.

Cleaning and descaling your Keurig

Over time, mineral deposits and other impurities can build up in your Keurig, causing blockages. Cleaning and descaling your machine can help to remove these deposits and restore proper functionality.

Perform a factory reset

A factory reset will reset all settings and information on your Keurig machine to its original factory settings. This may be necessary if your machine is experiencing serious issues that cannot be resolved through other resetting methods.

Manually reset your Keurig

If a factory reset is not necessary or hasn't solved your issue, you can manually reset your Keurig by following specific instructions provided by the manufacturer. These instructions will help to reset the software and restore proper function.

Tips and Best Practices

Regular Maintenance

Maintaining your Keurig machine is important to ensure its longevity and functionality. To maintain your Keurig, you should clean the machine regularly, change the water filter every two months, and descale it every three to six months. Regular maintenance will help to prevent clogging, improve the taste of your coffee, and increase the lifespan of your machine.

Keep your Keurig clean

One of the best practices for your Keurig machine is to keep it clean. Regular cleaning of your Keurig includes wiping down the machine every time you use it, removing and washing the drip tray, and taking apart the K-cup holder to clean any residual coffee grounds. Keeping your machine clean will prevent any buildup of bacteria and ensure that you get a fresh cup of coffee every time.

Use only filtered water

Using only filtered water in your Keurig machine is a crucial practice for a better taste. Unfiltered tap water can cause mineral buildup in the machine, impacting the taste of your coffee and clogging the machine. Additionally, filtered water will help to extend the lifespan of your Keurig machine.

Avoid Overfilling the water reservoir

Overfilling the water reservoir of your Keurig can lead to the leaking of water and damage to the machine's components. It is recommended to only fill the reservoir to the maximum fill line, which will prevent damage to the machine and ensure a better cup of coffee.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when you reset your Keurig?

Resetting your Keurig machine will erase any previous settings that you have saved, such as the brew strength, and restore the machine to its factory settings. This can be useful if you are experiencing issues with your machine, such as it not brewing correctly or not turning on.

How often should you reset your Keurig?

There is no specific timeframe for how often you should reset your Keurig machine. It is important to only reset your machine when you are experiencing issues and have attempted to troubleshoot the problem beforehand.

Can you still use your Keurig after resetting it?

Yes, you can still use your Keurig machine after resetting it. However, you may need to reprogram any settings that you previously had saved, such as the brew strength and cup size.

Why is my Keurig still not working after resetting it?

If your Keurig is still not working after resetting it, there may be a deeper issue with the machine, such as a clogged water line or a malfunctioning motor. In this case, it is recommended to contact Keurig customer support for further assistance.


In conclusion, resetting your Keurig coffee maker is a simple process that can help you fix various issues with your machine. It is recommended to clean your Keurig coffee maker once every three to six months and it's also a good idea to perform a reset every time you clean the machine. By following the easy steps outlined in this guide, you'll be able to reset your Keurig machine and enjoy a perfect cup of coffee every time.