When blood supply to the heart is suddenly and drastically cut off or obstructed, this is known as a heart attack. A development of fatty deposits, cholesterol, and other chemicals in the coronary arteries is the typical cause of this condition. Plaques refer to the fatty, cholesterol-filled deposits. Atherosclerosis is the medical term for plaque accumulation.

A blood clot may sometimes develop when a plaque ruptures and causes a blockage. Part of the heart muscle might die from a lack of blood supply.

The medical term for a heart attack is myocardial infarction

A heart attack needs immediate medical attention to avoid fatal consequences. If you are experiencing symptoms consistent with a heart attack, immediately dial 911.


Most cases of cardiac arrest are due to coronary artery disease. One or more of the coronary arteries in the heart become obstructed in coronary artery disease. Plaques, which are deposits made up mostly of cholesterol, are typically to blame for this. Plaques may cause artery narrowing, which in turn decreases blood flow to the heart.

Blood clots in the heart may form if a plaque ruptures

Blockage of a coronary artery, which supplies blood and oxygen to the heart, may occur either completely or partially. An electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) may be used to categorize heart attacks based on the presence or absence of certain alterations (ST elevation) that indicate the need for immediate invasive treatment. Your doctor may utilize electrocardiogram (ECG) readings to explain these episodes. For more info, please visit https://www.drcure.com.

Total impassability

ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) occurs when a medium or large coronary artery suddenly becomes completely blocked.

Partial obstruction

In many cases, a partial blockage indicates a non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI). However, a complete blockage is seen in certain patients with NSTEMI.

Clogged arteries are not always the root cause of a heart attack. Spasm in the coronary arteries is another possible reason.

A blood artery that is not obstructed is being squeezed very tightly. Plaques of cholesterol or early arterial hardening from smoking or other causes are the most common causes of cardiovascular disease. Coronary artery spasms are also known as Prinzmetal's angina, vasospastic angina, and variant angina.

Certain pathogens

Heart muscle injury may be caused by COVID-19 and other viruses.

Unexpected tearing of the coronary artery wall

A rupture in a coronary artery leads to this potentially fatal disease.


Even if you've previously had a heart attack, you may still take measures to reduce your risk of another one. To avoid a heart attack, follow these guidelines.

Adopt a balanced, healthy routine

Stop smoking. Eat right to keep your weight down and your heart healthy. Reduce stress and maintain a regular exercise routine.

Treat your other medical issues

Heart attacks are more likely to occur in people with certain health problems. Determine how frequently you should see your doctor by asking them.

Don't forget to take your medicine!

Your doctor may recommend taking medication to safeguard and enhance your heart health.