
Pelvic floor muscles are a very important part of the body as they support the maintenance of urinary continence, sexual health, and pelvic organs. Pelvic floor dysfunction is an issue in the pelvic floor muscles, which causes the inability to relax and correctly coordinate the muscles. Along with the muscles, tissues, and ligaments of the bladder area, pelvic organs, uterus, or rectum can also be affected by pelvic floor dysfunction.

What Causes Pelvic Floor Dysfunction?

Pelvic floor dysfunction can be caused because of several reasons, including pregnancy, childbirth, obesity, old age, surgery, chronic coughing, or chronic constipation,

Pelvic floor dysfunction affects millions of people around the world. As per statistics, 1 in 3 females and 1 in every eight males face this issue over their lifetime. 

The after-effect of pelvic floor dysfunction is urinary incontinence, leakage in the bladder, and sexual health issues. To get this issue fixed, doctors often recommend Kegel Exercises. Even though they are effective, there may not be results for some individuals. Also, Kegel exercises have limitations, and the issue might not be fully treated in most cases through the exercise. 

The diagnosis of pelvic floor dysfunction must be made at an early stage since it is relatively easy to cure at earlier stages. Emsella treatment proves to be an effective solution for those going through pelvic floor issues. It is becoming increasingly popular among individuals as it provides a comprehensive solution to this delicate problem. 

What is Emsella?

Emsella pelvic floor treatment is a treatment used to treat pelvic floor dysfunction. The treatment is non-invasive(meaning nothing is pierced through your skin), non-surgical, and FDA-approved and uses high-intensity focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) radiations for pelvic floor muscle stimulation. 

The stimulation helps strengthen muscles and tissues of the area, helps increase bladder control, and reduces incontinence. It also helps you with sexual issues, reduces pain during intercourse, and helps if you have difficulty achieving orgasm. 

The Emsella chair emits HIFEM rays for a brief pelvic floor treatment session of 30 minutes. The treatment requires you to be fully clothed, which helps you remain comfortable. The process is also painless and way better than invasive options; truly revolutionary.

Benefits of Emsella

The HIFEM radiations emitted through the chair during the Emsella pelvic floor treatment can have multiple benefits for people going through pelvic floor dysfunction. A few of the benefits of Emsella treatment include:

Improvement in bladder control

Emsella treatment is known to improve bladder control in females, and it helps reduce urinary incontinence. 

Reduction in pelvic pain

If you have pain in your pelvic area due to constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, UTIs, or STIs, Emsella pelvic floor treatment is perfect for you. The treatment helps relax the pelvic floor muscles, reducing pain and discomfort. 

Improvement sexual function

Emsella pelvic floor treatment can help if you have troubles regarding your sexual health. It can help you if you cannot achieve orgasms or if sexual intercourse is painful. The blood flow in the pelvic area is increased with Emsella, which increases sensitivity. 

Painless procedure 

The non-invasive and non-surgical treatment for pelvic floor dysfunction offers a pain-free experience, ensuring you remain comfortable.

Short sessions 

A typical session of Emsella treatment is short and lasts only 30 minutes. It is a good time-saving factor for those with busy schedules.

No side effects

The best part about Emsella pelvic floor treatment is that it has no side effects, meaning you can go about your daily life without needing a recovery period. There have been cases when people have experienced sensitivity in the pelvic area, but there is no after-effect. 

Long-lasting results 

The results of Emsella treatment will last for a very long time. Since the muscles tend to lose strength, you may need another follow-up session after 9-12 months, but in most cases, an entire series of treatment sessions is enough, and you will not need a follow-up again. 

How Does Emsella Pelvic Floor Treatment Work?

The person undergoing the Emsella pelvic floor treatment has to sit on a chair that emits HIFEM radiations. The radiations emitted by the chair during the treatment cause supramaximal contractions to the pelvic floor muscle, stimulating the muscle, which causes the muscles to gain strength and control.

Who Can Benefit from Emsella Treatment?

Esmella can treat both males and females with weakened pelvic floor muscles due to aging, childbirth, or menopause. If you have difficulty performing Kegel exercises because of obesity or if obesity has caused pain to your pelvic muscles, this would be the proper treatment.

Is Emsella a good idea? Side-effects of Emsella 

Emsella does not have any long-term side effects. Mild side effects include temporary soreness or pain in the pelvic region, and you may feel a tingling sensation down there. There may be discomfort, but it lasts only during the treatment session. 

How much does the Emsella treatment cost?

Even though the treatment cost depends on how many sessions you require in a complete cycle, the average price is between $2000 to $3000 for the entire process, including up to 6 sessions. The exact cost depends on the severity of the issue and the package the provider charges.


Emsella pelvic floor treatment is an innovative solution for people with pelvic floor dysfunction. It can be pretty beneficial for individuals with sexual health issues, urinary incontinence, low bladder control, and pain in the pelvic area. If you have pelvic floor dysfunction, you should find a reputable Emsella treatment provider for pelvic floor treatment.