You might be under the assumption that tinnitus is permanent and that once you hear that dreaded ringing with no discernible source, there’s no turning back. The good news is, that’s not true and there is always help on the horizon for those in the process of tinnitus treatment

You might also wonder whether supplements, such as Tinnitus 911, can cure tinnitus. The answer is there is no cure for tinnitus but there are many treatment methods and dietary supplements have not been proven or disproven to treat tinnitus. 

In this article, we’re looking at some of the ways you can tell whether your tinnitus is permanent or temporary. Don’t panic if you are concerned about your tinnitus. Chances are, a doctor can devise a treatment plan that will prevent you from disrupting your social life or career. 

Will Tinnitus Go Away Or Not?

If you experience tinnitus, you should realize that most tinnitus is temporary and it can fluctuate due to several factors. Even if you have tinnitus, you can still live a normal life and the goal  should be to achieve more days where your tinnitus isn’t as noticeable. 

But what causes tinnitus? Will it ever go away? These are normal questions to ask yourself. First, you should distinguish whether you have temporary or permanent tinnitus. To do so, you can follow these tips. 

‍Temporary Tinnitus

Everyone notices inexplicable sounds in their ears from time to time. Nearly everyone reports hearing a ringing, buzzing, or other types of noises at some point. Most of these reports tend to be transient and non-permanent. This type of tinnitus is typical and should subside on its own in seconds to minutes. 

Signs your tinnitus might be temporary include: 

  • Short duration (from seconds to minutes)
  • It occurs intermittently and without explanation. 
  • It is not difficult to ignore. 
  • It doesn’t occur in unison with other symptoms. 

What Are the Causes of Temporary Tinnitus?

There are several medical causes of temporary tinnitus. In some cases, the tinnitus won’t subside until a response to the underlying cause occurs. 

The causes of temporary tinnitus include 

  • Acute middle ear pressure changes triggered by seasonal allergies. 
  • Cerumen (ear wax) or foreign objects in the ear. 
  • Fluid or infection in the middle ear. 
  • Unmanaged cardiovascular or circulatory disorders such as hypertension. 
  • Other medical causes.

Nonmedical causes of temporary tinnitus include 

  • Recent exposure to loud noises. 
  • Changes in one’s hearing.

Is Tinnitus Permanent?

Tinnitus that does not subside might be considered a permanent condition. Even if you receive a diagnosis of permanent tinnitus, it tends to improve over time and you can take measures to familiarize yourself with your condition so it doesn’t hinder your ability to function in everyday life. 

You should become used to the sound and you should be able to live with tinnitus, especially because improved tinnitus treatments are possible if tinnitus lasts longer than two weeks. Even if you have permanent tinnitus, tinnitus intrusion can be improved upon using various techniques. 

Some signals your tinnitus might be permanent:

  • The noise lasts longer than two weeks. 
  • The noise is difficult to ignore. 
  • The noise is perceived constantly.
  • It occurs alongside hearing loss and other symptoms. 

Causes of Permanent Tinnitus

Permanent hearing loss can be a result of the following: 

  • Natural aging
  • Noise exposure 
  • Autoimmune cases 
  • Otosclerosis
  • Sudden hearing loss 
  • Damage to the auditory nerve.  

How Long Will Tinnitus Last?

The duration of tinnitus depends on the permanency of the condition. Instead of asking how long tinnitus will last, you should ask how it will be noticeable. Tinnitus can range from days or longer and the duration varies from person to person. Numerous treatment methods can help you become comfortable with your tinnitus so it doesn’t affect your day-to-day social life. 

Can You Relieve Tinnitus?

A myth exists that you can do nothing to help your tinnitus. While there is no cure for tinnitus, numerous treatments exist and there are ways to mask, distract, and rewire the brain to ignore tinnitus sounds. 

Hearing aids might be an effective treatment for those suffering from tinnitus due to hearing loss. Many of these hearing aids bring sound therapy and other programs, such as static noise, ocean waves, and notch therapy to help you acclimate to the ringing noise within your ears. 

Outside of hearing aids, other treatment options include sound-masking devices and noise machines. Music playlists might offer tinnitus playlists and apps are available for sleep. Medication exists as a combination with behavioral therapy to reduce the emotional stress and societal effects you might experience as a result of having tinnitus. 

Is There a Cure for Tinnitus?

While some companies might claim to cure tinnitus, there is no established cure for this symptom. Some drugs might help relieve the emotional and behavioral effects of tinnitus, but there are no magical tinnitus medications that can make it disappear. You should always consult a hearing care professional before attempting tinnitus treatment methods. 

Can a Healthy Diet Cure Tinnitus?

No foods have been scientifically proven to treat or cure tinnitus. They might be able to limit the intensity and side effects of tinnitus but there is no cure for tinnitus. Some people might also find that eating the foods claimed as a cure for tinnitus can worsen their symptoms. 

Still, a healthy diet can increase blood flow, reduce hypertension, and improve your energy levels, which can limit the intensity of tinnitus. 

Bottom Line- How Do I Know If My Tinnitus Is Temporary?

While there is no cure for tinnitus, most cases are temporary and the noise within your ear will likely go away within a short period of time. However, in cases where tinnitus is a permanent condition, there is still treatment to prevent you from having longer, more intrusive side effects. 

The last thing you need is to have an annoying ringing in your ears affect your relationships or career. With methods such as hearing aids and tinnitus retraining therapy, you can avoid the negative side effects of tinnitus. 

These therapies primarily aim for the normalization of the tinnitus sound you hear. When you are comfortable with the tinnitus noise, it won’t be able to distract you nearly as often. Some therapies also aim to rewire the neurological signals of your brain. In this case, you might be exposed to certain sounds so the noise attenuates. 

Regardless of whether you have permanent or temporary tinnitus, there are treatment methods and you should see a doctor if it becomes a problem.