Many people with baldness and hair loss are eager to find a way to restore their hair. One option is hair transplant surgery, which uses hair from another person or a donor site to replace lost hair. But still, many out there need clarification about what exactly hair transplant surgery entails and how it works.

A hair transplant surgery is a process that restores lost hair with new hair. It is a popular option for people who want to improve their appearance. The surgery involves removing the bulk of hair from the head and then transplanting it to the desired location. New hair grows similarly to the original hair, eventually reaching the same length and thickness. Several methods are used for hair transplant, including follicular unit extraction (FUE), scalp micro grafting, and strip surgery. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, so you should choose the best method for you.

There are a few different methods for hair transplant. We will be discussing the hair transplant procedure using a follicular unit extraction (FUE) method;

What is an FUE Hair Transplant Procedure?

 A follicular unit extraction (FUE) hair transplant procedure is a type of hair transplant that removes a large number of hair follicles from the scalp at one time. This method is less invasive than other hair transplant procedures and results in a higher hair transplant success rate.

The steps in an FUE hair transplant procedure include the following:

  • An assessment of the scalp
  • Preparation of the scalp
  • Surgical removal of the hair follicles
  • Application of a hair growth serum
  • Wetting the hair grafts
  • Placing the hair grafts on the scalp
  • Covering the hair grafts with a hair growth cap

How is an FUE Hair Transplant Procedure performed?

The first step in hair transplant surgery is to determine the area of the scalp where you would like to add hair. Next, your surgeon will use a needle to cut out a small piece of scalp from the back of your head, and then they will place this tiny piece onto a map or model of your head. It is called a “scalp model,” It will help your surgeon find the best place on your head to implant new hair growth.

Once your surgeon has determined the best spot, they will make an incision in the scalp and remove enough Hair Follicle Unit (HFU) from the donor area to fill the gap in your baldness or thinning hair. The unit is measured in hundredths, so one HFU equals 0.1 inches (.02 cm). After collecting many follicles, the surgeon will place them in a container filled with a growth medium. The follicles will then be transferred to the recipient area on your head.

A few things to note about a follicular unit extraction (FUE) hair transplant procedure. First, it is less invasive than other hair transplant procedures. As a result, you will likely experience less pain during and after the procedure. Second, an FUE hair transplant has a higher success rate than other hair transplants. The surgeon can remove more hair follicles from the donor area with fewer complications.

If you are considering a follicular unit extraction (FUE) hair transplant procedure, speak with your doctor about your options. In addition, consider discussing other hair transplant procedures, such as scalp micro grafting or strip surgery.

What are the benefits of an FUE Procedure?

  1. Natural-looking results
  2. Minimally invasive (no linear scarring)
  3. Short recovery time
  4. No stitches required
  5. Little to no pain or discomfort during the procedure
  6. Results are permanent and long-lasting
  7. Can be performed on any part of the head
  8. Less expensive than other hair transplant procedures.

The main benefit of an FUE hair transplant is that it is less invasive than other procedures. It means that there is less chance of losing hair during the surgery, and there is also less chance of scarring. FUE hair transplant is often faster and easier than other hair transplant methods.

Are there any risks associated with an FUE Hair Transplant Procedure?

Some risks are associated with any surgery, but they are generally minor. The most common risks are infection and bleeding. Some people occasionally experience more severe complications, such as scalp necrosis (a serious infection) or baldness due to scarring. In rare cases, an FUE hair transplant can result in cancer. However, these occurrences are relatively rare.

If you are considering a follicular unit extraction (FUE) hair transplant procedure, speak with your doctor about your options. In addition, consider discussing other hair transplant procedures, such as scalp micro grafting or strip surgery.


FUE hair transplant is an encroaching procedure that results in natural-looking hair replacement. If you want a hair transplant, speak with your doctor about your options. We would be happy to respond to your questions.