The modern workplace has come a long way since the days of 9 to 5, when simply showing up to work was the only way to expect things to get done. Hybrid working has helped to dispel the myth that being present equals being productive - and with today's innovative conference room technology, there's almost no argument at all.

It is estimated that managers in any organisation spend 35% - 50% of their time in meetings, with a significant portion of this time being wasted.

What is intended to be an effective means for people to get together, debate ideas, drive objectives, troubleshoot, and brainstorm is often a waste of important time, with ideas swiftly going into the ether and no outcome at all.

So, how can organisations overcome this lack of positive outcomes and increase productivity in the conference room - and in the workplace as a whole?


Meetings disrupt productive work and, when poorly managed, can drain people's energy. Meetings can also provide people with the information they need to keep their jobs productive and motivating, as well as drive decisions and mutual accountability. So, how do organisations strike a balance?

As previously stated, much of the time spent in the meeting room is squandered, and executives consider more than 67% of meetings to be ineffective. Technical problems with conference room equipment and setup may impair productivity by delaying and diverting talks.

Double-booked meeting rooms, insufficient space, incompatible video conferencing equipment, and poor, unstable internet connections are all disruptive and costly issues. Poorly structured meeting environments cost the United States Bureau of Labour $37 billion each year.


If meetings are supposed to be a source of productivity in the workplace, then the engine is the conference room equipment in your meeting room.

There are several ways to make meetings more productive, and in this blog, we'll discuss how and why workplace technology is such an important factor in meeting success.

Meetings may be more operationally effective, collaborative, and productive if the correct workplace technology is used to help remove the logistical problems associated with them. First, let's take a closer look at the factors that can lead to ineffective meetings in the first place, as well as the conference room technology trends that are assisting in the resolution of the issues.

Outdated Conference Room Technology

Organisations must consider the time cost of obsolete conference room technology. Modern technology, ease of collaboration, and effective meeting scheduling all contribute to the success of each meeting in your office. Faulty video conferencing technology, such as wireless presentation systems or conference room display equipment that does not function properly, can have a significant impact on an organization's progress.

Although many businesses put off updating the technology in their conference rooms, it should be a priority that is ongoing.

Collaboration Equity Has Been Reduced

Collaboration equity is a relatively new term in the workplace that refers to the extent to which a team can communicate and contribute equally regardless of where they are or whether they are using personal devices or static office equipment.

True collaboration equity allows remote employees to utilise all meeting room technology from home, whether it's to engage in a video conference, screen sharing, use mobile devices, access a digital whiteboard, or interact independently in real time with other meeting attendees. Legacy systems that are out of date typically inhibit collaborative equity.

For example, team members in different time zones may not be able to attend every meeting, so having access to a meeting recording feature and/or transcripts so that those teammates can catch up on what they missed on their own time could be a valuable piece of conference room equipment.

Compatibility Issues With New Technologies

Many legacy conference room systems are incompatible with modern meeting room technology such as smartphones and tablets, and they also require the use of specific operating systems to function properly.

This means that when you try to make a call, there's a good chance your device won't be compatible with the one you're trying to reach.


Building and maintaining quality relationships with partners, suppliers, internal teams, investors, and customers is the only way for modern and innovative businesses to grow and globalise.

Historically, this was an expensive and time-consuming activity that required substantial travel to attend meetings and often interfered with the productivity of management level workers.

Because travel was impossible during the pandemic, video conferencing became the new normal for meetings in order to maintain business continuity and relationships. Instead of corporate boardrooms, home offices became global meeting rooms, and businesses could continue to operate thanks to conference room technologies.

Video conferencing technology has contributed to the success of the hybrid workplace model by increasing productivity, saving time, and encouraging collaboration. Video wall led panels price is far lower than the travel costs.


High-quality technology combined with well-planned, regular meeting practises results in productive meetings. Video conferencing technology has been a key enabler in improving business relationships and shortening project completion times.

A major factor in making a hybrid workplace model work effectively is the use of technology and IT systems that allow employees to communicate and collaborate while working in different locations. This can only happen if solutions to enable it exist.


Today's conference rooms must be havens that foster a hybrid-friendly working environment, allowing teams to work and collaborate seamlessly regardless of location. A video conference call enables meeting participants on-site and off-site to communicate via video conferencing software and equipment, enabling distant members to feel physically present even if they are halfway across the globe.

Multitasking And Collaboration In Real Time

To describe modern work habits, the term "multitask" was adopted as business jargon. While the verb is perfectly appropriate for computers, where CPUs can run multiple processes at the same time, it is less appropriate for people. Humans cannot do more than one thing at a time effectively, and attempting to do so can have a negative impact on productivity. By using an interactive display to return the focal point to those in the conference room in real time, video meetings can help to increase productivity.


Users should be able to call, conference, text, and share files from any device using conference room technology. The right conference room equipment, when properly set up, will improve staff and business performance by enhancing collaboration and increasing productivity. Here are some of the most important elements of a productive conference room, as well as how they improve productivity.

Whiteboard On A Computer

Digital whiteboards are useful for content sharing, creative collaboration, and brainstorming. Participants in meetings can use interactive whiteboards to deliver presentations, share annotations, documents, and photos, and interact with others across devices.

System For Wireless Presentation

Wireless presentation systems allow multiple presenters to easily share information with no time wasted when switching between presenters, and they should support meetings, empower people, and provide a better work experience. They provide flexibility, are intuitive and user-friendly, and require little to no setup or cost. If you want to know about Barco wireless presentation system price, or any other brand’s price, contact distributor for the best solution.

A High-Quality Display Screen

Displays are the 'visual' component of conference room audio visual, and your screen serves as one of your primary collaboration tools. Using the display, you can see colleagues in other places, see presentations, and screen share from laptops, tablets, and cellphones..

Companies such as Samsung, Sharp, and NEC have all developed cutting-edge displays to meet a variety of requirements. Although 4K UHD is now the industry standard for display technology, a display alone does not guarantee a 4K UHD image. Image quality can be affected by bandwidth and content.

Software For Scheduling Conference Rooms

Robust, user-friendly conference room scheduling software aids in the automation and simplification of the process of reserving meeting space in conference rooms. This saves time by reducing double bookings and other scheduling errors, as well as updating participants if the meeting time, location, or agenda changes. Keeping people on track allows them to do their best work with the least amount of interruption.

The Control Panel

A control panel is essential for successful conference room design and video conferencing because it serves as the control centre for the entire conference room audio visual system.

The control panel's user interface is critical. Users should be able to enter the conference room, connect to video calls, launch presentations, and switch from a screen-sharing presentation to video conferencing with a single touch.

Excellent Audio Quality

Microphones and speakers are critical components of a successful, high-quality conference room experience.

High-quality microphones and speakers can help make meetings more productive and improve productivity and the overall conferencing experience. For conference attendees, the right setup can reduce echo, feedback, and other noises.