Are you concerned about a cavity? If you have an uncomfortable, sensitive spot in your mouth that seems to be getting worse, these are all signs that you need to seek treatment as soon as possible. While leaving a cavity untreated does pose a risk, it's natural to worry.

Cavities take some time to reverse the damage and become fixable. So how long can you leave a cavity untreated? Read on to learn more.

Early Stages of a Cavity

It is important to treat a cavity in its early stages to prevent it from worsening. If left untreated, a cavity can become very painful and cause serious long-term damage to the tooth. Cavities can take months or even years to develop, so it is important to visit a dentist regularly.

If a cavity is detected early, a dental filling can fill in the tooth and stop the decay. If a cavity is left untreated, it can spread further into the tooth and may require a dental crown to save the tooth.

Late Stages of a Cavity

Leaving a cavity untreated for too long can have serious consequences and affect your physical health. It can reach the late stages and damage the teeth even further. At the late stages of a cavity, it will likely spread deep into the enamel and dentin layers of the teeth.

Bacteria invade these areas causing pain, tooth loss, and even holes in the teeth. The bacteria can even infect the surrounding gum and jawbone, leading to an abscess. Therefore, treating cavities is important when taking care of your teeth.

Long-Term Untreated Tooth Decay

Cavities create holes in your teeth; if left untreated for too long, these holes can become bigger, allowing bacteria to spread to neighboring teeth or even your gums. This can lead to gum disease or infections of bones or gums. As the damage worsens, parts of the affected tooth may need to be removed, and there can be a pain, discoloration, and bad breath.

To prevent long-term untreated tooth decay, it's important to get a dental checkup at least once a year and keep up with regular brushing and flossing. If you experience cavity symptoms, seek treatment immediately.

Treatment for Cavity

If a cavity is left untreated, it will grow larger and cause more serious dental problems, such as abscesses, tooth decay, and soreness. Also, severe cases of tooth decay can lead to tooth loss and damage to the surrounding teeth and gums. Treatment for cavities can include root canal therapy, fillings, crowns, and inlays.

Therefore, if you think you have a cavity, you must see your dentist as soon as possible. You can also check out our root canal treatment guide here.

Learn More on How Long Can You Leave a Cavity Untreated

In conclusion, how long can you leave a cavity untreated? Always remember that cavity decay can negatively impact your oral health if left untreated for too long.

Acting fast to treat cavities is the best for long-term dental health. Don't wait to make an appointment with your dentist and ensure your oral health is in the best possible shape.

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