The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has been a game changer for Australian families with a disability. 

NDIS housing in Melbourne provides financial support and planning to ensure that people with a disability can live their life to the fullest, including finding suitable accommodation and building relationships with likeminded individuals. 

The NDIS has also improved access to supportive services such as respite care, counselling and community networks which can help build resilience among people living with disabilities.

Increased Access to Suitable Accommodation

The NDIS provides funding for people with disabilities to access suitable accommodation.

The scheme is a national one, so it's available in all states and territories. This means that if you're looking for new housing, there's no need to worry about whether your NDIS funds will transfer across state borders or not--they will!

In addition to paying for your own home or rental property, the NDIS can also pay for modifications that make your house more accessible (such as ramps) as well as additional services such as cleaning services if necessary.

Improved Quality of Life

One of the biggest benefits of NDIS housing Melbourne is that it's improving the quality of life for Australians with disabilities and their careers.

NDIS housing gives people with disabilities more control over their lives. They can make choices about where they live, who they live with and when they move. 

When people feel less stressed out about where they're going to live next week or next month, they're much more likely to focus on things like getting better at cooking meals or learning how to play guitar instead!

NDIS housing in Melbourne

Greater Choice and Control

The NDIS is a choice-based system. This means that participants can choose from a range of supports and services that best meet their needs, including accommodation, which may include:

  • Shared living arrangements
  • Independent living arrangements (your own home)

They can also decide who they live with and where they want to live. 

For example, some people might prefer to live with friends or family members rather than in an apartment building or community house; others may want to move closer to public transport so they can get around easily; still others might prefer more privacy when it comes time for bedtime!

Support for Caregivers and Families

The NDIS is also changing the lives of carers. Carers are often referred to as "the forgotten people" and, in many cases, go unnoticed by society. They provide vital support for people with disabilities but can often feel isolated and ignored themselves.

The NDIS supports family members to be better able to take care of their loved ones, whether it's providing respite services or helping them live independently in their own homes. 

This means that everyone involved has more time on their hands--time they can spend doing things they really enjoy!


NDIS housing Melbourne has been designed to give people with disabilities the support they need to live independently. 

This means that people with disabilities can now have access to suitable accommodation, which was previously inaccessible due to their disability or financial status.