Clean Your Glass

When you clean your glass doors and windows? It's time to clean your glass! There are a lot of window treatment specialists who can guide you about cleaning and window blinds installation services. However, the best suited plan here is to understand that each window is different and requires care according to the layout. 


When you have glass doors and windows, it is essential to clean them regularly. You can use a cleaning agent or a mixture of vinegar and water to clean the glass. It is best to clean them when wet so that you do not scratch the surface of your door or window.

How to clean your glass doors and windows?

  • Clean your glass doors and windows regularly.
  • Use a glass cleaner to clean the glass. Ensure you are using it according to the directions on the bottle, as this will help ensure you get all your surfaces appropriately cleaned without any streaks or smudges left behind.
  • Cleaning with microfiber cloths is also an option if you don't want to use chemicals in your home (or have small children/pets). Just make sure that they're not damp before doing so!
  • A damp cloth can be used on mirrors and windows too!

What tools do I need to clean my glass?

The first thing you'll need to clean your glass is a rag. Any old rag will do, but we recommend using a microfiber cloth as it won't leave any lint behind and is easier to clean than other fabrics. You may also want some paper towels nearby if something gets on the rag that you must immediately wipe away (like water).

Next up: a bucket of water! You'll want this for rinsing off any extra dirt or grime before moving on to step three of our four-step process--alcohol cleaning solution. We suggest using 99% isopropyl alcohol because it's cheap and effective at removing grease from all surfaces (including glass). Fill your spray bottle with one part water and one part alcohol mix, then shake well until all ingredients are combined evenly throughout the bottle; if needed, add more water until the mixture reaches desired consistency.


First, you must wash the door and windows with distilled water. You can use a small bucket and a soft cloth to wipe the glass for this step. Avoid using abrasive materials like sponges and fabrics for other surfaces because they may scratch your glass doors or windows. Also, avoid using chemicals such as detergents or soaps when cleaning your glass doors and windows since they could damage them over time if used regularly.


  • Use a clean cloth and dampen it with alcohol.
  • Rub the glass with the dampened cloth until you see no more streaks or smudges. If you need to, use a new material and repeat this step until all smudges have been removed from your window or door!


Use a clean rag for each window and door. It would be best to use a separate, clean rag for each glass section, such as the top of a window or door. This will prevent you from spreading dirt from one part of your window or door to another.


  • Cleaning your glass doors and windows is a simple task.
  • You can use a few tools and products to clean them, including:
  • A soft cloth or paper towel if you don't have any cleaning supplies on hand. You should use this method to clean just one or two windows or doors.
  • Windex or other glass cleaner spray bottles are excellent for large areas of glass that need attention (like mirrors). They also work well on smaller surfaces like bathroom mirrors or sliding closet doors because they're easy to hold while spraying down an area with liquid cleaners like Windex or vinegar water solutions. For best results when using a spray bottle method, apply enough pressure so all the dirt comes off easily.