Some noises are just inevitable. For instance, you can’t afford to wear headphones while driving since you’re putting yourself in too much danger. Therefore, you’re condemned to traffic noises.

The same goes for shared workplace noises. Even the most considerate coworkers can’t stop typing, whispering, or breathing so that you can work in peace. You can’t control every noise, and people around you shouldn’t have to feel like they’re in a library just because you’re annoyed by every note.

However, back at home, you do have a chance to create a truly quiet space where you can recharge your batteries. Still, even this is not given, and you’ll have to put in too much work to make this dream come true. This is one of the ways to make your house a home. Here’s what you need to do.

Pick the right room

The first thing you need to do is choose the right room. If you pick a room next to the street, you’ll have a much harder job than in a room facing the backyard.

A room in the remote part of the house will also be a much bigger advantage.

Next, if you’re living in a multi-leveled house, you would be wise to pick a room on the upper level. This way, you won’t have to endure hearing footsteps from above. This is, of course, provided you’re not alone in the house. If you are, it’s all much simpler, and this article will be more or less pointless.

Take a moment to consider the layout of your living space, as well. Namely, your task will be more difficult if the room is next to a home gym or shares a hallway that gets much traffic during the day. So, pick an area of the house not frequently visited by the other inhabitants.

Block the noise

Once you’ve picked your room, you must take the necessary steps to remove the noise. There are a few things you could do to help your situation. First, you should consider soundproofing the room with many different methods, solutions, and materials.

The most important part here is that you don’t have to damage the walls to do so. You can mount panels on the wall to make it thicker. This will also reduce the echo in the room.

Another thing you should do is change the layout of the room. A shelf stacked with books will pose a formidable barrier between your quiet space and the outside world. The key is to place it on the wall, which hides the noise source.

Not all noise is problematic. Sometimes, you can use a pleasant sound to block out noise. This can be done with a simple and inexpensive white noise machine.

Lastly, remember that the acoustic structure of the room depends on the floor and the ceiling.

Add cozy furniture

Cozy furniture can actually make your room a lot quieter. How? Well, upholstery, cushions, and fabrics, in general, are non-reflective surfaces. Since they’re not smooth like walls, window panes, and leather, the sound waves are not bouncing off them.

Adding a curtain to the window will reduce the room’s echo and allow you to keep the noise outside. Also, heavy curtains give you more customizability potential. Generally speaking, you want this room to be quiet for a reason. You want to let the light in if it's a meditation room. If you wish to self-isolate, you want to be able to shut it off. With heavy curtains, you can do both.

Another thing you should add is a rug. You might also want to keep the inside noises from reaching out. We’ve already mentioned that you want an upper-level room, so adding a rug will produce less noise for the room below.

Personalize the area

The most important thing to remember is that soundproofing the room is not your only objective. Depending on how you plan to spend your time there, you might want to get additional equipment. If you plan to put your computer/console here, noise-canceling headphones will make all the difference.

Your infotainment system will generally change the room’s structure quite drastically. So, it’s important that you consider it.

Some indoor plants also serve as sound traps. Playing around with them could make a difference. You could make this room a private indoor oasis if you're outdoors. This way, you have a small portal that you can use to walk into nature at any given moment. Sure, it’s not the same, but who’s counting?

Another thing to remember is the importance of adjusting the room to your personality and interests. This can be your infotainment center or no-tech zone. It could be a reading nook or a meditation space. This is what you should base your inventory choices on.

Talk to your family/roommates

If you’re not living alone, you must have some serious conversations. Namely, you must start talking to your family/roommates about the room’s purpose. Start by explaining why you need it and how you intend to use it.

Next, tell them how this is a project that you’re making for them, as well. Namely, you wouldn’t have a quiet spot to retreat without it. This means that the only way for you to get some peace would be for them to leave the place for a few hours or do their best to be as quiet and motionless as possible.

Lastly, ask them politely to keep the volume down, even when you’re using the room. If they’re determined to keep the volume up, no amount of soundproofing and design tips will help. So, good interpersonal relationships are the key.

Wrap up

Peace is priceless; however, this doesn’t mean that achieving peace is cheap. To prepare your getaway, you’ll have to locate the right area of the house and rework it properly. Soundproofing will be elaborate or a walk in the park, depending on your living situation. Either way, this is a crucial investment in mental health that you shouldn’t skip out on.