All gym-goers know that muscle soreness is a sign that you've been putting in good work at the gym. There's nothing more satisfying than feeling that post-workout pump after an extra set. Muscle pain is a common side-effect of training, and it means you'll get stronger.

However, some muscle soreness can be downright painful and make it hard to move on to the rest of your day. If your muscles are hurting a little more than usual, it may be time to slow down and reward your body with some TLC.

If you want to know how to ease sore muscles, read on! We have four great tips for helping your body after a good workout.

1. Stay Hydrated

Hydration is essential to helping your body recover. Drinking water allows nutrients to flow through your muscles. It also flushes out waste and can help ease inflammation.

Take a few sips between your workouts, and don't forget to hydrate afterward. Instead of water, you can also opt for tart cherry juice. Cherry juice is refreshing and contains tons of antioxidants.

Tart cherry juice also has anti-inflammatory properties that can help with muscle pain. You can also infuse your water with fruits like apples, lemons, and cucumber.

2. Eat After Intense Workouts

Your diet is essential when building muscle. Experts recommend increasing your calorie intake by 15% to help your body grow lean muscle mass. An additional effect of this is speeding up the recovery process.

Eating at least 20 grams of protein and carbs after 30 minutes of an intense workout is best. Carbs refuel your muscles, and protein provides amino acids to rebuild them. However, you shouldn't stop there!

Starving yourself or skimping on nutritious foods won't help your body recover. Eat foods loaded with antioxidants, protein, and carbs, and you'll see your recovery time drop. This is a great opportunity to try out some healthy recipes.

3. Use Heat and Cold Therapy

Sore muscles can benefit from cold and heat therapy, but is one better? Heat pads dilate blood vessels and encourage circulation. This method is best if you're experiencing muscle spasms after a workout.

If you want to step into a sauna, ensure you're well-hydrated first. A workout can make you feel dehydrated, and a sauna could worsen those effects.

If you have inflammation, it's best to use cold therapy. It can also reduce swelling and speed up your recovery time. Check out this article to learn more about using cryotherapy for pain management.

4. Use a Foam Roller

Using a foam roller immediately after a workout can help relieve some tension in the muscles. This type of self-massage can increase circulation so that more oxygen reaches those sore areas. It can also help with swelling and muscle tenderness.

If you're new to foam rollers, start with a soft one. A firm foam roller can be too painful if you aren't used to them.

How to Ease Sore Muscles After an Intense Workout

Muscle soreness is one of the not fun aspects of going to the gym. Now that you know how to ease sore muscles, you don't have to let that soreness get in the way of reaching your fitness goals.

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