The OKR full form is Objectives and Key Results. Objectives and Key Results are referred to as OKRs. It is a framework for defining goals that have two main parts: the objectives and the Key Results. The Objectives are specific and serve as a reminder of your improvement goals. The Key Results are measurable, quantifiable results you must produce to support the achievement of the Objective. 

Other goal-management strategies, including MBOs, SMART goals, and KPIs, had been utilized before the OKR Software, Objectives and Key Results framework appeared. When Andy Grove, the CEO of Intel, combined the concepts of Objectives and Key Results to form what is now known as OKRs in the 1970s, everything changed. In the following few years, John Doerr introduced OKRs to Google after studying the methodology from Andy Grove.

Getting Started with OKRs.

Step 1: Decide

Your leadership group needs to be aware that the OKR technique is more than just a way for creating goals. It's a change in your organization's culture. It's crucial for businesses to have annual goals, but keeping those goals flexible also requires dividing them down into smaller emphasis areas. As noted by 59% of professionals, this radical move toward agile goals may be difficult and time-consuming because it calls for adjustments to culture and performance management.

Step 2: Implement

Once you've made the decision to adopt OKRs, ask yourself who will be the first to assist you in successfully implementing the methodology. Here at Weekdone, we suggest the following choices for beginners: 

  1. Pilot team (OKR champions)
  2. Team leaders only
  3. Everyone

Step 3: Set OKRs 

The leadership creates broad Objectives for the company, inspiring and aspirational focal areas that need improvement and this is where the process of defining OKR goals begins. Functional teams and/or departments will develop their team-specific Objectives and Key Results that best support the broader Objectives once the Company level Objective has been decided upon and presented to everyone within the business. The most effective OKR Management Software technique to guarantee team alignment with corporate direction is through this.

They chose team OKRs for the quarter to assist them to focus on moving the needle toward the overall corporate goal. It is easier for team members to prioritize their daily tasks and recognize how their work fits into the larger scheme when the team has a clear, outcome-driven focus. A team would never require (or be able to deliver on) more than 3 objectives per quarter if they are crafting good outcome-focused objectives and key results.

Step 4: Track OKRs and set Initiatives.

As the quarter progresses, individuals should be monitoring and evaluating the status of the Key Results regularly with their team through meetings and check-ins. Now that you've established your OKRs and know how you'll evaluate them, you need to create Initiatives to aid in the quarter's implementation. What are the feasible long-term initiatives you can work on this quarter to further your Key Results?


To summarize, from the above given article we have seen all the primitive procedures to get started with OKR Software. If you opt to start OKR software refer to these guidelines.