In the modern, digital age, no business is truly in the clear. Your competitors are constantly trying to gain an edge on you and steal your customers. That's why it's important for your business to stay ahead of the game by monitoring how users interact with your app and apply that data to make improvements. Here are some ways to optimize your app monitoring strategy.

Use Product Analytics

Product analytics are a great way to measure user behavior. They can help you understand what your users want and how they use your product, which in turn can help guide the development of future features.

Product analytics also enable you to see how your users respond to certain changes in the market or industry. For example, if there’s an increased demand for social media marketing campaigns at any given time, you may want to invest more resources into those types of campaigns so that it doesn't become oversaturated with competitors who are already doing well with this tactic (i.e., "competitive advantage").

Finally, product analytics can help you understand how your users interact with each other. For example, if there’s a problem with one person using a specific feature of your product in an unexpected way that causes problems for others, you'll want to know about it as soon as possible so that you can fix the bug or issue before it spreads through the system and creates more problems.

Utilize the data from your App Monitoring tool in your product roadmap

One of the best ways to use your data is to prioritize features. If you have a feature that has low usage, but high usage on other platforms, then it may be worth prioritizing over another feature that has higher adoption rates but lower engagement and retention.

Using analytics will also help you predict future trends so that you can make informed decisions about what kind of app design or functionality would be most appropriate for your target audience at any given time.

Analytics can also help you determine what types of features are most attractive to your users. If they use a feature more than others, it may be worth prioritizing over other features that don’t get as much use.

Define Your KPIs

KPIs are the metrics you use to measure the performance of your app. They can be anything from user engagement to revenue growth and more. Before you set out to optimize your monitoring strategy, it's important that you define KPIs for each of these areas so that they're measurable and easy to understand.

But don't worry about getting them exactly right; instead, focus on collecting enough data in each area so that you can see trends over time. The goal here isn't necessarily perfection—it's just being able to make an informed decision about what needs improvement (or not). For example: if there are 15% fewer downloads per week than expected but retention rates have remained steady throughout this period, then something is definitely wrong!

Once you've defined your KPIs and begun collecting data, it's time to start optimizing. First, look at the data for each area to see what trends emerge. If you're seeing a decrease in one metric over time (downloads), but an increase in another (retention), then it may be that your app has become stale and boring—and people are getting bored of using it.

Build a Testing Matrix

A testing matrix is a tool that helps you prioritize which bugs to fix, so it's important to think about how you'll use it.

For example, if your app is running on a large scale and has many users, then you might want to create an elaborate testing matrix with multiple dimensions:

  • How many active users are there? (number)
  • What percentage of them are using the latest version? (percentage)
  • What percentage have downloaded the latest version? (percentage)
  • How many of those users have experienced the issue? (number) 
  • How often do they experience it? (frequency) 
  • What's your tolerance for the bug? (severity) 

Take Action

You have a lot of data, but how do you use it?

You can take action on your data by:

  • Using the data to improve your product. Use this information to make better decisions about what features and changes should be made in the future. For example, if users are spending most of their time on an app's landing page but not using it after that first visit, then maybe there's something wrong with the landing page design or layout. Or maybe there's something wrong with how long it takes for users to get from one page of content (such as an FAQ) back out into another area of content (like payment options).
  • Using the data to make better decisions about roadmap planning and feature prioritization at times when new features aren't being added yet (but will likely need attention eventually).

App Monitoring helps you make smarter decisions about your product.

  • Monitoring helps you make smarter decisions about your product.
  • Monitoring helps you decide what features to build and what features to remove.
  • Monitoring helps you decide how to optimize your app, so that it's easy for customers and optimal for business outcomes.
  • Monitoring is an essential tool in the creation of a successful app strategy on mobile devices, but it's not enough on its own—you also need data-driven insights from monitoring reports that help guide improvements based on real user behavior rather than guesswork or regression testing alone (which has limited value).


We hope you’ve found this guide useful and that it has helped you make the most of your App Monitoring strategy. If you’re looking for more in-depth information about how to develop an effective product roadmap for your app, check out our other posts on the subject!