Dogs are considered full-fledged members of the family, which is why it’s only natural for you to want to bring yours along when moving to a new home.

But before you get too excited about moving homes, consider how your pet would feel about the change. While dogs may seem eager to please all the time, some things can shake them out of their usual good behaviour, and moving to a new house is one of them.

Lucky for you, there are plenty of tips and tricks to help you prepare your four-legged pal for the change. 

From getting them familiar with various moving supplies to stocking up Dubai pet food and other doggie essentials, below is a compilation of the seven best ones you need to know about.

1. Let them become familiar with the moving supplies.

Your canine pal has an uncanny ability to predict changes in routines before they even happen.

When you pull out the suitcase, does your pet already show anxious behaviour? This means that they already know you’re leaving on a trip and maybe experiencing separation anxiety.

Of course, you’re bringing them with you this time around, so you need to make sure they’re ready for the move.

That said, you’ll need to desensitise your pet to the sight of moving boxes and other things they’re bound to experience during the relocation. Get them used to the sound of tape, the ripping of paper, and even the smell of strangers in the house.

Buy moving supplies at least two weeks before you begin packing. If you can do this earlier, much better.

Leave them in a corner or spare room that’s accessible to your pet. Allow your furry buddy to sniff out the stuff, but don’t make a big fuss out of it. Just let your pet explore these new items at their own pace.

Dogs may also feel especially worried about these things, so try to create a positive association using doggie treats and praises when they approach the boxes voluntarily. As they get used to these items, start bringing in boxes and other supplies into the house.

The goal here is to help your dogs have a positive – or, at least, a neutral association – with the moving supplies before the day of your move.

2. Maintain a regular pet routine.

Before you get too busy with the relocation, make sure you stick to a daily pet routine, if you already have one.

If not, establish a fixed schedule for walks, feeding, and playtime as moving day approaches. This will give your four-legged pal a sense of normalcy whilst your home is in disarray with all the moving boxes and packaged belongings.

Having something constant to expect also helps calm them down, making them feel safer and less anxious. Too much change happening in a short period can cause anxiety in dogs if they lack structure in their days.

3. Introduce the safety of places other than the old house.

Try to open opportunities for your dog to practice feeling safe in other places before the move. The goal is to help them develop a sense of security even outside your current home.

Let them stay longer or even sleep in other places, like a relative’s house or a friend’s apartment (you can stay if you want, too). This will help expand their comfort zone and understand that they can still feel safe and comfortable even outside the place they consider home.

Even better, try to walk your dog in the new neighbourhood where you’re moving, especially if it’s not too far away from your current place. Let them sniff around and explore the environment to get the lay of the land.

Do this several times in the weeks leading up to your big move to reduce – if not remove – the shock that may come with the relocation.

4. Try to maintain normalcy amidst the packing.

Although it can be a busy time for you, you should try your best to maintain normalcy around the house even as you pack your belongings. Pick up after yourself and throw away any trash that may result from the packing.

Keep bubble wrap, tape dispensers, scissors, and cleaning supplies tucked away and out of sight of your pet. This not only makes the house less chaotic but also ensures that your dog doesn’t get into untoward incidents with potentially dangerous items you use when packing.

5. Increase your pet’s physical activity.

In the days leading up to the move, try to increase your dog’s physical activity to compensate in advance for the extended time they will spend in a crate, especially if:

  • you’re taking the plane to your new home;
  • strangers visit your old house that is on sale; or
  • contractors frequently come to update and repair your current house.

Dogs may need to be kept in a pet crate during these disturbances to ensure the safety of your furry pal and all the people involved.

6. Amp up the doggie love.

Moving can be chaotic, and dogs don’t do too well with such situations.

Things inside the room where your pet stays can get boxed up, rearranged, and cleaned, leaving them with unfamiliar smells in the process. This can affect your dog emotionally, triggering fear and anxiety.

To make sure they’re adjusting well, try to increase your show of love for your pet. Observe their behaviour and offer reassurances through words delivered with a calming voice or actions that show affection, like hugs and pats.

If you lead the change with love, you’ll realise that any changes in your pet’s behaviour are just a reflection of the distress they might be feeling.

7. Plan for moving day.

You’re bound to be too busy to be there for your furry pal on moving day and the days leading to it, so make sure you have a plan.

Create a list of what you must do to avoid forgetting anything important. Here is an example of a good moving day plan for your pet:

  • Designate someone to watch over your dog at all times.
  • Make sure any medications they need are readily available.
  • Stock up on dry or wet dog food and water, and make sure they are always accessible to your furry pal.
  • Get proper crates and carriers for travelling.
  • Have an emergency vet contact handy in your new neighbourhood.
  • Ensure that plane rides and other modes of transportation are dog friendly.

Make Your Dog a Priority

Moving with pets isn’t easy, but it can be easier. 

Follow the tips listed here and make sure you prioritise your pet’s safety and comfort during the relocation process.