Unwanted abandoned vehicles are an eyesore as well as a waste of valuable real estate. If someone abandons one on your property and fails to remove it for months or even years, you may find the experience quite frustrating. To make matters worse, it isn't usually easy to get rid of.

Do you think you could legally claim the car as your own?

No, you cannot legally claim possession of an abandoned vehicle on your property without going through a lengthy and expensive legal process.

Abandoned vehicle problems in the ACT, NSW, or any other state will provide similar difficulties. To learn more about the causes of and solutions to the problem of abandoned vehicles, consult this resource.

Okay, so let's begin.

Exactly what Does It Mean When a Car Is Left Abandoned?

Let's back up a bit and make sure we understand everything. To begin, let's define exactly what we mean when we say a car has been abandoned.

In most cases, you can tell that a car has been abandoned since it has been sitting in one area for a very long time. The problem is that no one agrees on how many days or months must pass before a vehicle is labeled "abandoned."

There are two common causes of an abandoned car being inoperable and destroyed. The car was either in terrible state when its owner parked it or it deteriorated while sitting there for an extended period of time.

Nonetheless, an automobile that has been sitting in one place for a week or two is not always abandoned. There are a variety of reasons why someone can go months without using their vehicle.

But if an automobile has been sitting in the same place for an extended period of time and has sustained excessive wear and damage, it has clearly been abandoned.

It begs the question: why do so many people stop caring about keeping their cars?

In either case, the cost of a vehicle is significant. If so, then why do some people just leave their cars in random places?

If you have such vehicles then you can scrap at any vehicle removal Sydney.

Some of the most frequent causes of so many discarded cars are as follows:

We have tried everything, but it just won't work!

Vehicles that have broken down and are too expensive to repair are routinely abandoned. When the cost of fixing an old car is close to what would be needed as a down payment on a new one, the owner may be less motivated to invest in the repair. That's why a lot of people just leave their automobiles at repair shops after getting an expensive estimate for the needed maintenance.

It's too heavy to tow away.

Similar to the first scenario, the car may have broken down in a remote area where the cost of towing would be prohibitive. A automobile may need to be towed home from a cross-country trip if it suddenly breaks down, but the expense of the tow exceeds the worth of the vehicle.

Vehicle was taken without permission or used in a criminal act:

It's possible that someone other than the owner might ditch the automobile. Criminals frequently steal vehicles for use in further criminal activity. Then, when they're finished, they'll throw the car away to hide their tracks.

The owner has passed away or been unable to be contacted:

It's sad to think that even luxury vehicles are sometimes left behind. The owner may have died or left the country, if none of the other explanations apply.

When you next come across an abandoned car in QLD or anywhere else, you know what to look for.

Is It Legal To Claim Possession Of An Abandoned Vehicle On Your Property?

First, to answer a persistent question: no, you cannot claim ownership of abandoned vehicles on private land. Remember that you are not the legal owner of the car, even if you are the legal owner of the property where the car is parked.

It's not as simple as most would imagine to claim ownership of a discarded car. Abandoned cars are still a common sight in NSW and the rest of Australia.

It's the same everywhere else in the world, even the most advanced countries. Abandoned cars are a common sight in any city or town, but even the rustiest and ugliest of them all belong to someone.

Simply put, only the car's previous owner has the legal right to take possession of it again or have it towed.

Is it safe to assume that the car will remain in that spot indefinitely? Fortunately, there are solutions to alleviate the pressure.