It is very common to see marvelous artwork in the arena of animation where we can explore anime series and comic cartoons show for kids. Channels like Cartoon network are exclusively working on animation artwork for long time. These platforms are playing really good for kids if we forget about the february 7 2008 cartoon network incident. The above Cartoon is also gathering the headlines for a long time now and everyone is talking about its success and popularity. It is one of the most unforgettable animation artwork that people are admiring in modern time. Here we talk about the great minds behind it and how it is cutting the dash amongst people.

Why Cartoon Animation is admired by people?

The reason why people are even kids are having a deep passion to watch the above tv show is because of its plot, graphics and animation work. It is created in such a colorful way that nobody can resist from watching this cartoon show. The graphics and characters along with the voice artists of the cartoon makes it one of the masterpiece in animation world. We can see this piece of artwork as timeless and universal in every way. Every bit of it is admired by the viewers which shows the great success and timelessness of the Turtle. Those who have not watched this animation work yet must do so to understand the advancement in animation world that we have chased.

How many turtles are there in the above cartoon?

If we talk about the characters or turtles in Turtle cartoon then there are total three turtle that we have in this animation work. They are named as Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello and Raphael. All four characters of the turtles are making very big popularity for them through this show and people have a great corner for them in their heart especially kids. It is very hard for children to stay away from watching this Turtle show which is the reason why it is shown again and again on kid’s related platforms. Parents too should expose their kids to such good content related to animation and even professional animators are also watching it to analyze and learn the skills of animation for artwork.

Who is the artists behind Ninja Turtle?

If we talk about the brilliant mind behind the Turtle show there is not a single soul behind it who create this wonder of the world for kids. Kelvin Eastman and peter laird created the above show as partner and express their gratitude to admire their world to such a great extent. Even they were too not aware of such huge outcome in terms of popularity from their work. They spent years and worked on this project day night which gives them flying colours. So yes we can admire their success to give an unforgettable artwork in animation world in the form of the above cartoon to children and for new learners of animation world as well.

What makes Ninja turtle animation artwork unforgettable?

The reason why Turtle animation artwork is not forgettable for days to come is because of its artistic features. Here are some valid reasons which justify the success rate of the above show that why people are showing a great enthusiasm to express their love for this cartoon show.

  1. Excellent graphics of the animation work make it best.
  2. The comic used is very light and fun evoking that win the heart of people.
  3. Ultimate example of best animation work that kids can relate to.
  4. Voice artists played their best role in show.
  5. The story or plot line is developed by keeping the mindset of kids in mind.

So all these things makes Ninja Turtle show one of the most admired and popular artwork in animation.


So we can conclude to a point that yes the above show is really a masterpiece when it comes to see the animation at such an advance level. It is not just a cartoon show but define animation in a different way. Professional animators from across the world admire and cherish this artwork and also denote the difficulty to create such content through animation. It is the success of the above show that admire other people of this arena to work hard in their animation project. At the same time it also brought too many opportunities to people who want to make their career in animation. Today we have a work of anime where anime series are also being liked by the people of all ages as they are not meant for kids. So it would not be wrong to say that the above TV show for kids set the trend for bringing animation shows for oldies too in the form of Anime series.