Tally is one of the most advanced and updated technologies that has been adopted by all small and large businesses for growth purposes. In the past, it was difficult to maintain all the working details of any company systemically. In most cases, these are done manually, which leads to large time-consuming, and improper work. 

But with the span of time, tally integration, tally customization, and tally cloud came to market. This software helps to grow a business more than 10 times. 

Tally is one of the most advanced technologies used by businessmen of all levels. You can use Tally for the Manufacturing unit to maintain its work module. The insertion of a Tally for Manufacturing helps you by maintaining a record of all the materials used and the product that is dispatched for selling. The use of a tally helps you decrease the manufacturing cost of the product that you are selling. Besides, with the help of a tally, you can efficiently allocate the resources that are needed in the manufacturing process. In the sector of Manufacturing, Tally helps to maintain a stock record.

Need of Tally

Tally is one of the most upgraded technologies in the 21st century. The technology is used to maintain and record different types of essential data for a business. This is the main reason the technology is used by both small and large companies. The main needs of Tally include:

  1. It helps you to track the inventory, raw materials, and the finished product that you and your company will sell.
  2. Manufacturing in Tally helps you to maintain the stock record. Besides, with the help of the record, you can easily maintain the store.  
  3. The transactions you make are more authorized and authentic with the help of a tally for Manufacturing 
  4. You can track the raw materials and finished product with the help of a tally for Manufacturing 
  5. With the help of a tally for Manufacturing, the inventory costs are decreased.  
  6. The system of Manufacturing in Tally helps you to run your business in an easy and convenient way

Why select us for tally customization

Different companies have different requirements for maintaining and using records. The company needs to customize its data and software as per their need. Saw India provides you with software where tally customization is possible. This feature helps the company to integrate and operate their business as per their need. Some feature provided by our organization in tally customization includes:

  1. Communication using WhatsApp: The organization provides the feature to send bills to their customer using WhatsApp with the help of Tally directly.  
  2. Communication and updating using SMS alert: With tally customisation feature, businesses can easily update their customer with the help of SMS alert. 
  3. Customization in payment system: payment customization is a new feature the company provides to support small- and large-scale businesses in their growth. 
  4. Auto-emailing: The feature of auto-email helps small businesses to provide updated information using mail directly from the software.
  5. Better customer service: the company provides 24*7 customer service to their user.

Why select us for tally cloud

Tally cloud system is one of the new and latest technologies introduced by the company for the benefit of the customer. 

The technology helps to record and maintain the data of any organization safely. Reasons to select the tally cloud system from Saw India  include:

  1. Provide extra security to the stored data
  2. Helps to maintain and store data in a sequential manner for a long period of time
  3. Provides a good and efficient customer service
  4. The stored data can be easily accessed
  5. The stored data can be easily modified.