Are you tired of struggling to put on your shoes due to back pain or mobility issues? A long handle shoe horn might just be the solution you need. In this article, we will guide you through everything you need to know about long handle shoe horns, including their benefits, types, and how to choose the right one for you.

Benefits of Long Handle Shoe Horns

Long handle shoe horns have several benefits that make them a great addition to your daily routine. Firstly, they can help alleviate back pain caused by bending down to put on shoes. Secondly, they are perfect for those with mobility issues or limited flexibility, as they allow you to put on shoes with ease. Additionally, they can prolong the lifespan of your shoes by preventing wear and tear caused by rough handling.

Types of Long Handle Shoe Horns

Long handle shoe horns come in various types, each designed to meet specific needs. The most common types include:

Metal Long Handle Shoe Horns

These are the most durable and long-lasting shoe horns. They are usually made of stainless steel or aluminum, making them resistant to corrosion and rust. Metal long handle shoe horns are perfect for heavy-duty use and can be used by people of all ages.

Plastic Long Handle Shoe Horns

Plastic long-handle shoe horns are lightweight and come in a wide range of colors. They are perfect for travel and can easily fit into a suitcase or handbag. Plastic long-handle shoe horns are ideal for people on a budget as they are affordable and easy to find.


Wooden Long Handle Shoe Horns

These shoe horns are perfect for people who prioritize style and aesthetics. They come in different types of wood, including bamboo and oak. Wooden long-handle shoe horns are lightweight and durable, making them perfect for daily use.

How to Choose the Right Long-Handle Shoe Horn

When choosing a long handle shoe horn, there are several factors to consider, including:


The length of the shoe horn should be long enough to allow you to put on shoes comfortably without bending down. The ideal length is between 16-24 inches.


Consider the material used to make the shoe horn. Metal shoe horns are durable and long-lasting, while plastic shoe horns are lightweight and easy to carry around. Wooden shoe horns, on the other hand, are perfect for those who prioritize style and aesthetics.

Handle Design

Choose a handle design that is comfortable to hold and provides a firm grip. A non-slip handle is ideal for those with limited mobility or flexibility.


Long-handle shoe horns come in different price ranges. Choose a shoe horn that fits your budget and meets your needs.


A long handle shoe horn is a must-have tool for anyone who wants to put on their shoes with ease. Whether you are dealing with back pain or mobility issues, a long handle shoe horn can make your daily routine much easier. When choosing a shoe horn, consider the length, material, handle design, and price. With the right shoe horn, you can enjoy putting on your shoes with ease and style.