Overshadowed by physical health, misunderstood by society, and taken for granted by many, mental health is an essential aspect of our lives that should not be ignored. It's only recently that people have started to open up about their mental health struggles, and it's about time we break the stigma around it.

Mental health is fragile. You may not notice it, but slight changes in environmental mastery, relations with others, and self-acceptance can greatly impact our mental state.

However, there is always hope to save a drowning mind. Here are some tips from professional therapists to keep your mental health stable.

Talk to Someone You Trust

In the context of mental health, trust refers to how much faith you have in someone to keep your secrets, listen without judgment, and offer helpful advice.

Your parents, siblings, friends, and significant other are all possible candidates to be your confidant. But, ultimately, you should choose someone you feel most comfortable with.

It's not an easy conversation. You will always feel that the other person doesn't relate. You may feel you're being sympathized with instead of empathized. But it's a start. And that's all that matters.

Consider Professional Help

If you're looking for an emotional cushion, there's nothing better than a loved one's support. But, if you're seeking professional help, consider contacting a counselor.

A counselor is a coach who helps you develop healthy coping mechanisms for stress and anxiety. They may or may not have a degree. Check out guides on how to become a counselor without a degree if you're surprised how someone without a degree qualifies to be a counselor.

What matters most is their experience and ability to help you see things from a different perspective. While choosing a counselor, always put your comfort level first. Not money, not a counselor's qualifications, but your comfort. After all, it's you who will be opening up to them.

Find a Creative Outlet

Creativity has an uncanny way of making us feel better. When we're creative, we engage in a process that's entirely our own. We have complete control over it.

It could be painting, writing, dancing, photography, or doodling. The idea is to indulge in something that'll transport you to a different world, even if it's just for a few minutes.

Research suggests that singing, in particular, positively affects our mental health. It lowers stress levels, improves sleep quality, and boosts immunity. You don't have to be Taylor Swift to reap these benefits. Sing in the shower, at karaoke night, or in your car. Sing your heart out, and do it out loud!

Interact Socially

People, they make you awkward! The prying questions, the small talk, and the forced interactions - it's all too much for an introvert.

But, here's the thing: social interactions are crucial for mental health. They help us feel connected and prevent us from feeling isolated.

Loneliness and isolation are two of the most common risk factors for mental health problems. So, if you're feeling lonely, try to reach out to people. Join a club, volunteer, or go out with friends. You don't have to be the life of the party. Just being around people will do wonders for your mental health.

Exercise Regularly

There is a conflicting relationship between physical and mental health. Still, there is no denying that exercise is good for our mental well-being.

Exercise releases endorphins. These might hormones have mood-boosting and pain-relieving properties. It helps lower stress, anxiety, and depression.

It doesn't have to be intense cardio or weight-lifting session at the gym. A 30-minute walk in your neighborhood or some light yoga at home can work wonders for your mental health. If you enjoy the wind blowing in your hair while you cycle, go for it!

The key is to find an activity you enjoy and stick to. Make it a regular activity, and you'll soon see a difference in your mental health.

Mindfulness and Meditation are Worth a Try

Do you often zone out and ruminate on the past or future? It's okay. That's almost all of us. Our mind is wired to wander. But this habit can lead to anxiety and depression. The endless if-and-buts can be overwhelming and might even prevent you from enjoying the present.

That's where mindfulness and meditation come in. These practices help us focus on the present moment and become more aware of our thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Doing so allows us to control our thoughts and prevent them from spiraling out of control.

Mindful breathing, tea meditation, and connecting with Mother Nature are some of the most effective ways to achieve mindfulness. If you're new to meditation, plenty of apps and websites can help you get started.

Maintain a Journal

We often forget to appreciate the good moments in the hustle of trying to be our best selves. We get so caught up in pursuing goals that we forget to live.

That's why it's crucial to maintain a journal. Jot down three things you're grateful for every day. It could be anything - your partner's support, your pet's cuddles, or the fact that you made it through another day.

Focusing on the positive will help you see the good in every situation and eventually make you happier. And, when you're happy, your mental health is bound to improve.


So, there you have it - some therapist-approved mental health tips can help you feel better. Try them out and observe the difference.

Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all solution to mental health problems. So, be open to experimenting and find what works best for you. And, most importantly, don't give up!

Tomorrow is a new day, a fresh start, and it brings new opportunities to take care of your mental health.