The Angular Team at Google created and maintains Angular, a TypeScript-based framework that is free and open-source. It was designed primarily for developing dynamic web apps, but it has become popular for building mobile apps as well. Angular, along with React and Vue, is one of the most popular frameworks and is known as the Big 3. The framework offers enhanced scalability, high adaptability, and accelerates the development process, making it a great option for building feature-rich and easy-to-use user-centric dynamic web applications.

Apps you can develop with Angular

Experienced engineers can use Angular, a powerful and versatile tool, to build various applications by following Angular best practices. Can Angular be utilized to develop mobile apps? Let's explore some of the most popular applications that can be created effortlessly with the help of this framework.

Single-Page Applications (SPA)

SPAs, which dynamically rewrite the web page that users are currently interacting with, build websites that offer faster transitions and a better user experience compared to the default method of loading entirely new pages.

The Angular framework enables developers to decrease loading time, manage data efficiently, and utilize routing effectively, making it an ideal choice for building single-page applications. This guarantees excellent user experience by providing dynamic presentation of information and ensuring top-notch website performance without any lag.

Enterprise Web Apps

Angular can meet the requirements of big institutions and enterprises and assist in creating web apps that fulfill their needs. Companies such as Gmail, PayPal, YouTube, and Xbox use Angular in their apps.

Companies choose Angular because it ensures a high level of software security for both mobile and web apps. Additionally, Angular's scalability and code reusability allow companies to upgrade their apps over time.

Mobile Apps

Does Angular work for developing mobile apps? It is possible; software engineers frequently employ the Angular framework to support cross-platform mobile app development. It's important to note that the demand for mobile applications developed using Angular is increasing.

Reusing front-end code between mobile and web components simplifies development and reduces the amount of time required. Additionally it is possible to combine Angular together with NativeScript as well as Ionic to create hybrid apps. This allows you to use the same code for iOS as well as Android.

What is Angular Mobile Development?

Engineers often choose Angular and Angularjs as their preferred mobile app development. Frameworks such as Ionic, Onsen Ui, Monaca and NativeScript as tools. Angular mobile application uses js Angular on the mobile client side because the front-end code can be reused on the mobile and web platform. Additionally you are able to choose any server-side programming language such as PHP, Java, or Python for the back-end.

Mobile app development with Angularjs is used primarily to reduce time by reducing the amount of the tedious, time-consuming repetitive tasks of programming. Additionally, Angular allows building one hybrid mobile application instead of developing distinct apps to run on each operating system.

What is a Native Mobile App ?

Native mobile apps operate as standalone programs on a particular mobile device, unlike web apps that can be accessed via a web browser. To function properly, they require access to various device features and store pertinent data on the phone.

Engineers must customize native apps to ensure they work correctly since they are designed to function on a specific device platform, unlike Angular mobile apps. Android and iOS are the primary mobile operating system platforms.

Native mobile apps provide several advantages. They are easy to install and access on your device, and most do not require an internet connection. Since native apps offer superior UX by allowing customization that websites cannot match, they are more user-friendly and engaging.

The main features of employing Angular to develop mobile Apps

The development of mobile apps using Angular is gaining popularity. Here are a few most important features of this framework:

  • A vast group of developers support the framework thanks to the fact that it is open-source.
  • Reusability of front-end code between mobile and web components.
  • Built-in support on HTML, AJAX, etc.
  • User interface compartmentalized with compartmentalized compartments and business logic functions
  • Improved support for error handling
  • Continuous updates through the CLI for Angular.

Pros of using Angular for developing mobile applications

  • Secure and high-quality mobile app development thanks to the highest performance.
  • Development process is faster and more efficient. process thanks to the speed of routing.
  • The team at Angular, supported by Google, has access to the most essential library and solution.
  • Angular provides the entire development instruments "out-of-the-box" and unifies the design and the code.
  • The two-way binding syntax for data allows data to move in both ways, as defined by being the data source as well as the control.
  • Easy localization process.

Cons of using Angular for developing mobile applications

  • It's a bit much older than its primary competitors ReactJS as well as VueJS.
  • Angular has several versions, in addition, its SEO compatibility may be improved.
  • The Angular framework can be challenging to work with. Software developers, particularly beginners, typically have a difficult time working with features such as DI, factories or even values.

What Makes an Angular App Mobile Compatible?

Bult and Vetted by Google

Google is among the biggest tech companies, offering a variety of products to an extensive user base. A majority of these apps are accessible via mobile phones. It is the fact that Google's team developed Angular and continues to update it implies that this technology is extremely scalable to evolve and improve in the future.

Efficient Design Architecture

Angular's modular, cross-platform architecture enables quick application development. It also boosts the speed of loading apps. Furthermore, it allows developers to design immersive, like a native UI design, which improves the user experience.

Code Reusability

By using the modular design of code, programmers are able to quickly reuse their code. For example mobile and web applications reuse speed your development. This feature is crucial for smaller and medium-sized enterprises.

Faster End-to-End App Development

Angular's adoption of the model-view-controller (MVC) architecture streamlines the process of application development, testing, maintenance, and updating, resulting in reduced time-to-market for companies.


The Angular app includes directives for altering the structure of Document Object Model (DOM) trees, and as a result altering their behavior as well as information. This enhance the performance of the application.

Built-in Support

A variety of pre-built code libraries and components assist engineers in their everyday routines. Libraries such as RxJS aid in the development process. Furthermore, numerous APIs and libraries from the front end extend functions so that developers do not have any requirement to utilize additional tools.

Few Best Angular Apps


Gmail is by far the most well-known email service, being used to the tune of 1.5 billion users. Are you aware of the things we talked about regarding localization? The Angular framework lets Gmail to be compatible with more than 100 languages.


There is another leader in the field of video streaming that utilizes Angular and AngularJS in its applications, including the YouTube app on PlayStation.


If you're a fan of video games, it's likely that you're familiar with Xbox. The website and mobile app for this service, which offers online gaming and content distribution, feature an engaging and visually appealing design and interface that draws you in.


Microsoft's video game streaming software and service, Mixer, incorporated Angular into its video streaming application mainly to facilitate real-time updates of data on a single webpage.


Forbes, a prominent business magazine, is well-known among its readers. Its pages load quickly and the app is user-friendly, thanks to Angular JS used in the front-end which enhances the speed of page loading and ensures a seamless user experience.


Angular is a highly efficient technology for creating various types of applications due to its unique features like code reusability and improved security. This flexibility enables businesses to build powerful web and mobile solutions that cater to a wide range of industries. Moreover, Angular's active community and support from Google ensure its continuous development and progress.

If you're looking for a reliable Angular software development partner, BizBrolly is a top-notch option. They have extensive experience in developing Angular-based products for various industries, including healthcare, fitness, e-commerce, finance, and banking. With their skilled design and engineering teams, combined with thorough user research and excellent project management, you can expect cost-effective and high-quality solutions without any unexpected surprises.

Their flexible approach to Angular mobile app development covers every aspect, including market research, product conceptualization, design, prototyping, programming, testing, and maintenance. This approach guarantees transparency throughout the entire process. If you're interested, why not try it out and develop your own top-notch Angular mobile app?