Do you wake up hoping that you're feeling under the weather and have a fever?

Well, no.

Fever is no fun, and it's not just a sensation that makes us cranky -- it signals a microbial invasion of sorts by bacteria that our immune system is fighting off. Our body temperature rises to flush those pesky bugs out of our body and allow our immune system to take care of them.

But what does fever feel like?

There are many types of fevers, and everyone's body reacts to a fever differently. Read on to learn about the common types of fevers and what to expect when you're running a temperature.

A Low-Grade Fever

This has a temperature that is between 100.4 and 102.2 degrees Fahrenheit (or 37.8 and 39 degrees Celsius). These fevers are generally not serious, and they tend to resolve on their own. Viral infections usually cause them.

The common cold and the flu are the usual cause. There are bacterial infections, such as urinary tract infections, skin infections, and ear infections which triggers the flu.

They are generally not serious, and they are quite common. Rest, fluids, and over-the-counter medications that are meant to reduce fever and provide relief from aches and pains are the typical fever treatment.

Getting like this often resolves after a few days of treatment, and it is best to stay in touch with a doctor for guidance if one’s fever does not subside after a few days.

Moderate Fever

Common causes of this type of fever are viruses, bacteria, and other infections. People with moderate fever should rest. Take medications as prescribed by their doctor. They also should drink plenty of fluids.

To avoid sickness on vacation, it is important to practice good hand hygiene. Get plenty of rest and keep up with your regular vaccinations. It is also important that you avoid contact with others who may have a fever or other symptoms of an infection.

Additionally, make sure to bring along the recommended items for travelers. Bring a bottle of water, sanitary wipes, and first aid supplies.  Do this so that you can take extra precautions against getting sick.

High-Grade Fever

The temperature of a high-grade fever is over 103.5 degrees F. It can cause the body to become hot, sweat, and become weak. High-Grade Fever is more serious than a minor fever and can be a symptom of more dangerous illnesses.

That's why it is important to be aware of and seek medical attention if needed. Common types of High-Grade Fever can include influenza, strep throat, a urinary tract infection, or bronchitis. 


The body temperature rises above 106°F if you have this fever. A metabolic disorder or infection often causes it. Sometimes it is caused by exposure to extreme temperatures or a reaction to a drug.

It is a life-threatening medical emergency. That means it requires immediate medical attention. Symptoms can include confusion and unconsciousness. There's also an increase in heart rate and blood pressure. Rapid shallow breathing and possibly a seizure are also signs of a fever.

The Types of Fevers You Need to Know

Overall, fever is a common symptom of many illnesses and can have various causes. Common types of fevers include low-grade fever, high-grade fever, and hyperpyrexia.

To ensure proper diagnosis and optimal treatment of fevers and their underlying causes, regular monitoring and consulting with a medical professional should be undertaken.

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