If you're a woman, you've probably heard the term FPA thrown around before. Odds are it's been used to describe how many children you should have or what your plans for retirement should be. But in reality, FPA is just the abbreviation for "family planning assistance," and its meaning is much more serious than that. Family planning services are vital for women who want to plan their families but do not have access to family planning resources or education. If this sounds like you, let us demystify some of the most common myths and misconceptions about family planning assistance.

Myth: I don't need family planning assistance because I already have all the information I need.

Fact: Information is vital to the family planning process. While it's a good idea to do some research and consider your options, the decision to use or not use a family planning method is not one that should be made on your own, especially when there are no support services available. A lack of health care resources in developing countries means that even educated women may be unable to find medical help for unexpected pregnancies, which could lead to limited access to prenatal care and other essential services for newborns. Family planning assistance provides information on different methods of contraception so you can choose the one that works best for you and your lifestyle.

What is family planning and why is it important?

Family planning improves health, averts unwanted pregnancies, and decreases maternal mortality. "Family planning" refers to contraceptive measures used to prevent pregnancy.

Who are family planning programs for?

Family planning programs are for people who want to plan their families but can't find services or information on family planning that meet their needs. Lack of access to family planning means people may have limited access to reproductive health care or no access at all. When women in developing countries need reproductive health care, they often must go without it for months or years until they can get help from a clinic or hospital.

What are the health benefits of family planning?

Family planning improves Fpa Women's Health it helps them avoid unintended pregnancies and unsafe abortions; it helps them space pregnancies to promote healthy births and reduce the risk of complications. Family planning also benefits men, children, and society as a whole.

How does family planning help prevent maternal death?

Fpa Women's Health can help prevent maternal death by enabling women to delay or avoid pregnancy at times when their bodies are least able to carry a healthy pregnancy when they have just given birth or when they are in their childbearing years. Access to family planning can also enable women to space their pregnancies for several years or more, which has been shown to reduce maternal mortality.

What are the health benefits of family planning for children?

Children benefit from family planning, too. When women are free to plan their pregnancies and give birth at the times that work best for them and their families, children receive the best possible nutrition. Every mother is always a good mother—she just doesn't always have to be pregnant. In developing countries, more than half of children under age five die before turning five years old—this includes both newborn babies that die shortly after birth and children who die while they're still small. 

How important is family planning in the fight against HIV/AIDS?

Family planning is a vital way of preventing unintended pregnancies that could lead to unplanned pregnancies. When women and couples feel free to choose when to have children, they are more likely to use condoms and other methods to prevent sexually transmitted diseases and infections, which helps keep them from spreading sexually transmitted infections such as AIDS.


Family planning is a crucial health care service for women and families, especially in developing countries where it is poorly funded or not available at all. Family planning helps people avoid unplanned pregnancies and reduce the risk of maternal death. By helping women plan their families and giving them access to the information, services, and support they need to do so, family planning programs can help ensure that mothers deliver healthy babies who survive beyond infancy.