Counselling is a process that helps people deal with different issues in their lives. There are many kinds of counselling, each with its unique approach. In this blog post, we will discuss humanistic counselling. This therapeutic approach is based on the idea that humans are capable of change and growth. It focuses on the positive aspects of people and aims to help them achieve their full potential.

What is Humanistic Counselling?

Humanistic counselling is a therapy that focuses on the individual's personal growth and development. Humanistic counselling aims to help individuals reach their full potential and live fulfilling and satisfying lives.

Humanistic counselling takes a holistic approach to the individual, considering their thoughts, feelings, behaviours and environment. The therapist will work with the client to explore all aspects of their life to help them understand themselves better and make positive changes.

The Benefits of Humanistic Counselling

Humanistic counselling can be an effective treatment for many mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, and relationship difficulties. It can also help people struggling to cope with significant life changes or transitions.

Here are some of the critical benefits of humanistic counselling:

  1. Self-exploration – One of the main goals of humanistic counselling is to help clients become more self-aware. This process often involves exploring your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours to understand yourself better. This can be a powerful experience that leads to greater self-acceptance and insight.
  2. Personal growth – As you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, you may start to challenge some of your negative beliefs about yourself. This can lead to significant personal growth and positive changes in your life.
  3. Greater control over your life – When you understand yourself better, you’re also better positioned to make choices that are right for you. This can lead to greater control over your life, which can be very empowering.
  4. Improved relationships – Humanistic counselling can help improve your personal and professional relationships. By understanding yourself better, you’ll be able to communicate your needs more effectively and build stronger, healthier relationships.

If you’re considering humanistic counselling, it’s crucial to find a therapist who is experienced and qualified in this approach. Make sure to ask about their training and experience before you book an appointment.

How can a Counsellor Practice Humanistic Counselling?

To practice humanistic counselling, counsellors need to see their clients as individuals with unique needs and goals. They must create a safe and supportive environment in which their clients can explore their thoughts and feelings. And they must be willing to work collaboratively with their clients to help them achieve their goals.

Humanistic counselling is based on the belief that all people have the potential for growth and self-actualisation. This means counsellors must trust their clients’ ability to change and grow. They must also be open to learning from their clients and teaching them.

If you are interested in practising humanistic counselling, many resources are available to help you get started. For example, books, articles, and websites can provide you with information about the theory and practice of humanistic counselling. Online certificate course in counselling psychology training programs is also available to help you learn more about this approach to counselling.


Humanistic counselling is a therapeutic approach that considers the whole person - mind, body and spirit. It aims to provide a safe and supportive environment for clients to explore their thoughts and feelings and work towards self-discovery and personal growth. The focus is on the client's strengths and resources, and therapists use various techniques to help clients achieve their goals. Humanistic counselling may be the right choice for you if you're looking for a non-judgemental space to explore your thoughts and feelings.