Have you ever heard of the term “contingent worker” and wondered what it meant? If so, you’re not alone. Many people are familiar with the traditional employment relationship, but they don’t know much about contingent workers. In this blog post, we’ll explain what “contingent worker” means and why knowing about contingent workers is important for employers and employees alike. 

Definition of Contingent Worker 

A contingent worker is an individual who works on a short-term basis or as part of a project-based agreement. They may also be referred to as independent contractors or freelancers. The length of their contract can range from one day to several months or even years, depending on the nature of the work. A contingent worker is not employed by an organization in the traditional sense; instead, they are hired as needed to complete specific tasks or projects.

Advantages of Being a Contingent Worker

  • Flexibility

    One of the main benefits of being a contingent worker is that you have more control over your schedule than if you were employed in a full-time role. You can decide when you want to work and how much you want to work at any given time. This gives you the freedom to pursue other activities or interests outside of your job—such as travelling, taking classes, or starting your own side business—while still earning an income. 
  • Variety

    Being a contingent worker also allows you to gain experience in different fields and industries without having to commit to one company for too long. You can try out new roles and gain exposure to different working environments without having to worry about finding another job if it doesn't suit you. You also get the chance to meet new people and build up your network, which can be incredibly beneficial for future career opportunities or collaborations. 
  • Choosing Your Own Hours

    Another advantage of being a contingent worker is that you can choose when you want to work based on what suits your lifestyle best. Whether it's working during the day while everyone else is at work or taking night shifts while everyone else is sleeping, there's no need to stick with traditional nine-to-five hours if they don't fit into your life plan. This means that if something unexpected comes up – like needing extra time off – then it won't affect your paycheck too much because you will be able to make up for lost hours elsewhere. 

Create a workforce skills pathway to reach your  

  • Assess Your Current Skillset

    The first step in creating a workforce skills pathway is assessing your current skill set. This includes taking inventory of both hard and soft skills, such as problem-solving, communication, time management, organization, and technical abilities. This will help you determine which areas need improvement and give you a better sense of where you are in relation to reaching your goals. 
  • Identify Your Goals

    Once you have assessed your current skill set, it’s time to identify your goals for the future. What do you want to achieve? What types of jobs do you hope to qualify for? Being clear about the type of job or career path that interests you will make it much easier for you to create an effective plan for success. 
  • Create an Action Plan

    Now that you’ve identified where you are currently and what type of job or career path interests you, it’s time to create an action plan. This includes researching the best training programmes or courses available that can help get you closer to achieving your goals. Additionally, consider joining professional organizations related to the industry or field that interests you so that you stay up-to-date on trends and gain valuable connections along the way. Finally, don’t forget about networking! Connecting with professionals already working in the field can be invaluable when it comes time to look for job opportunities down the line.

Create a Culture of Safety in Your Workplace

  • Lead By Example

    One of the most effective ways to create cultural safety in the workplace is by leading by example. Leaders must show they are committed to safety and set an example for other employees. Make sure you are following all safety protocols, wearing protective gear, and encouraging others to do the same. Employees need to see their leaders taking these measures seriously if they are going to take them seriously as well. 
  • Engage with Employees

    Make sure you engage with your employees and understand their needs when it comes to creating a safe work environment. Ask for input from all levels of the organisation, from management down to line workers, on how you can improve your safety practises. This will help ensure that everyone has a voice in creating a safe work environment and will help foster buy-in from everyone involved.
  • Provide Resources

    It’s important that your employees have access to the resources they need in order to stay safe at work. This includes things like personal protective equipment (PPE), up-to-date training materials, and emergency response plans that have been clearly communicated across all departments in the organisation. Providing these resources will ensure that your employees have everything they need to stay safe while doing their jobs and reduce any potential risks associated with their work activities. 


Knowing what a contingent worker is can help employers make informed decisions when considering hiring them. It's important to remember that traditional employees may have certain rights under labour law that do not apply to temporary contractual arrangements. Both employers and contingent workers have obligations towards each other in order for this type of arrangement to be successful.