If you are considering a dog as a family pet, there are things to think about when choosing between breeds. You can find a lot of pug puppies in Kansas and relatively the same question from their dog breeders in Kansas about the best suitable option according to your lifestyle. There are a few essential factors that you have to consider. Like every family member, each dog and their breed has a temperament, which means it can only withstand what they have been passed down from all the generations. 

Choosing a dog is a long-term commitment, which means you have to be considerate and thoughtful and think like a parent. According to all the surveys we have conducted over the years, people have mostly been reflective of the breed and nature of a dog to introduce in their families. Not only does it allow both the dog and dog parent to live a comfortable life, but it also allows a bond between both that only grows stronger. Here are some of the questions that you have to consider before you think of adopting a dog: 

What is the temperament of your new family member?

The temperament of your new family member is the most critical factor in choosing a dog for your family. The character of a dog depends on genetics, environment, and training. Genes affect how easily dogs get along with other animals, people, and children. The environment also plays an important role, as some breeds are likelier than others to be aggressive or shy around strangers or loud noises.

A puppy's behavior will depend mainly on how his owner treats him from day one (or even before birth). Puppies treated kindly and given plenty of love by their owners tend to grow into well-adjusted adults who make excellent pets for families with children.

What are the children's ages and personalities?

If the children are young, you'll want to choose a puppy with a long life ahead of it. If the children are older, consider adopting an older dog that has been through training and perhaps has some experience living in a home. The best way to know what kind of dog would be best for your family is by talking with friends who have dogs or visiting shelters near where you live and meeting some puppies!

Is there a lot of space in your home to give the puppy room to grow and play?

If you're looking for a dog that will fit in your home, there are a few things to consider. First, how much space is there in the house? You don't want a large breed like an Australian Shepherd or Golden Retriever if it's small and crowded. On the other hand, if you have plenty of room and want something active and energetic (and even slightly naughty), these breeds are perfect!

Next: how much exercise does this puppy need? Do they need lots of playtime outside every day or only once or twice per week? Will they spend most of their time indoors with us humans or out exploring on their terms?

Finally: are we prepared for training our new best friend? Because puppies aren't born knowing all the rules--they have to learn them from us!

If you are considering a dog as a family pet, there are things to think about when choosing between breeds.

When considering a dog as a family pet, many factors exist. Some breeds are better suited to homes with children, and some are not. The best way to determine if your chosen breed will work for you is by researching the dog's temperament, size, and energy level.

Some dogs that work well with kids include:

  • Border collies and Australian shepherds (if they're not too high-energy)
  • Cavalier King Charles spaniels (they don't shed)
  • Labrador retrievers (although they require lots of exercises)


Remember that when you bring a puppy home, it will be with you for many years. Ensure your family is ready for this commitment and has the time to care for such a pet.