Women are savvy marketers who have to evaluate whether a guy is worth their time. They want to know what your mate's value is and how you rank against the competition.

If you have a few bad pick-up artist tricks up your sleeve, she can smell them from miles away!

She’s Interested 

How to find a woman to experiment with you most women aspire to be the best at one thing or another. They may have to compete with other men for a job, an apartment, or a date, and they are often pressured into doing their duty by family members and friends. In this competitive environment, the female of the species has to be a well-rounded woman. She also has to be sexually desirable for you to want to spend time with her and she has to have a good sense of humor about it all.

A woman’s top head can be a good indicator of her inner state of well-being, and she can tell if you’re a good egg or not by how you look and how you act. To her, a man with the right looks and manners can only mean good things to her. She’s got to keep an eye out for the guy with the tummy tickle, but she has to have some fun in the process!

She’s Interested in You

If she is into you, she will spend a lot of time with you. This includes talking with you in person and communicating with you via text messages.

As you talk with her, she will likely reveal things about herself that are normally kept private. She could share her embarrassing quirks with you or tell you about her nerdy passions like her favorite band or TV show.

She will also tell you about her relationships and friends. This will help her get a sense of who you are as a person.

Another obvious female body language sign that she is interested in you is the way she caresses your arms, shoulders, or thighs. She may do this as a flirty sign or she may do it subconsciously as a way to let you know she likes you.

She’s Interested in Herself

If she has no interest in you as a person, she is not worth your time and attention. It is better to invest your money, energy, and attention in a woman who has a high value in all areas of her life.

A high-value woman is intelligent, self-aware, and empathetic. She understands that she needs to use her sexual power wisely in order to attract the most value from you.

To do this, she must show that she is interested in you and your relationship. This means she must demonstrate green flag behaviors that show she has the right mindset to pursue a long-term commitment with you.

One of the best examples is her facial expressions. Rutgers University anthropologist Helen Fisher notes that women around the world signal interest with a sequence of facial expressions including a smile, eyebrow lift, and wide-open eyes

She’s Interested in You as a Person

If you’re a desperate guy, or she thinks you are, chances are she won’t want to date you long-term. You will come off as needy, clingy, sexually scarce, and low value.

She wants to know that you are someone who has her best interests at heart. She doesn’t like it when she meets a guy who doesn’t seem to care about her. She needs to believe that you are going to treat her well and help her reach her full potential in life, not just as a partner.  Livepositively

So while she is evaluating you, she is also assessing you as a person and weighing your reputation within her social circle. She needs to make sure that you are not the type of man who can hurt her or get her in trouble if you don’t act right.