Discomfort in periods is bound to be. This post 5 Best Exercises To Reduce Belly Fat During Periods At Home will tell you very simple and easy practices. Which you can easily do in your home. By adopting all these tips, you can make your period days comfortable.

Is It Natural To Increase Weight During Periods?

The weight gain in the period is temporary. Weight gain is called Premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Which starts a few days before the period.

But this number is seen in 90% of women. Apart from this, there are hormonal changes in the body during these time periods. Such as cramps, mud swings, bloating, food cravings, overeating, etc.

The increase of 5 to 6 pounds is considered a normal range. As soon as the periods are on the verge of ending, your weight becomes normal.

Exercising Good Or Bad During Periods At Home?

Like, you consider your exercise to be part of your life. So you should not ignore exercise during menstruation.

Hormonal changes occur in women during menstruation. This causes irritability, abdominal pain, mud swings, tiredness, depression, and cramps.

And exercises done during menstruation work on all these. With which you feel good. can be energetic throughout the day. And reduce excess weight from your body and stomach area.

Which Exercises Are The Best During Periods At Home?

Women do not feel comfortable during periods. Due to this, they avoid exercise. But you can choose those exercises that put less pressure on your stomach. here are all these 5 Best Exercises To Reduce Belly Fat During Periods At Home.

Low Impact Workout

Low-impact exercise proves to be the best exercise in menstruation. for example.





Low Impact Cardio Vascular Exercises

1. Walking

Which Exercises Are The Best During Periods At Home?

If you do not feel like your exercise, then walking is the best exercise. You can work in your home also. If you have a park near your house.


So much better. You can increase or decrease the speed according to your menstrual days. Walking helps make your menstrual days easier.

2. Pilates

Which Exercises Are The Best During Periods At Home?

Pilates is a low-impact muscle stretching exercise, which leads to your full-body workout. It is a bodyweight exercise. This exercise reduces your cramps and tiredness. So that your belly fat starts decreasing.

3. Yoga

Which Exercises Are Best During Periods At Home

To make the day periods comfortable, You can do some easy yoga asanas. Which is shown in the image above. Which is a breathing exercise.

Such as Pranayama, Shavasana, Vajrasana, Balasana, Adho Mukhavasana, Vriksasana, Veerabhasana, etc. which help in reducing belly fat.

It gives relief to the tiredness and cramps in your body. and Doing yoga during periods gives relief to stomach blotting.

4. Aerobic

Which Exercises Are Best During Periods At Home

Aerobic is a full-boy weight exercise. Which includes Zumba etc. Aerobic is one such exercise during menstrual days.

Which reduces body fat from your entire body without putting more pressure on the stomach. And stomach ache gets relief.

5. Low Impact Cardio Vascular Exercise

In Low Impact Cardiovascular exercise, you can exercise with less weight or without weight. Which can do squats, arms, shoulders, and aerobics. Which makes your body relaxed by eliminating tiredness. And you feel energetic.