Cognitive behavioural therapy or CBT is a goal-oriented and structured talk therapy that can effectively manage the distressing symptoms of various mental health conditions such as phobias, depression, personality disorders, and anxiety. Along with that, it can also help you in learning various coping strategies to handle work and relationship-related issues. 

The various techniques of CBT can also contribute to managing some nonpsychological conditions successfully. If you or your near ones are suffering from chronic pain or any other symptoms of mental issues that can decrease overall life quality then you can avail of cognitive behaviour therapy in Siliguri after contacting a medical professional. 

Here are some of the common nonpsychological medical conditions that can be effectively treated with CBT. 

  1. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a serious disorder that leads to extreme fatigue and exhaustion that may last for more than 6 months. Some of the other painful symptoms of this disorder are unrefreshing sleep, memory issues, joint pain, and feeling dizzy most of the time. 

CBT can help in controlling this disorder by improving physical functioning. Enhanced functioning and social engagement can be attained by the CBT technique, where the main aim is to eliminate the illness beliefs that are associated with the worsening of the symptoms. 

  1. Insomnia

Insomnia is a severe sleep disorder that can disrupt your sleeping cycle by making you unable to sleep properly. CBT is the first treatment option recommended by the doctor to treat this issue, where it detects the behaviour and thoughts causing the sleeping issues. 

After detecting the root causes, certain CBT techniques will be prescribed to you. Some of the most common techniques to improve insomnia are changing lifestyle habits, setting sleep limits, improving sleep areas, and learning relaxation techniques. 

  1. Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common disorder that mainly affects the gastrointestinal tract. The early signs of this disorder are diarrhoea, cramping, abdominal bloating, and gas. Apart from medications and supplements, CBT can also be an effective option to reduce the symptoms. 

You can contact the best psychiatrist in Siliguri to undergo sessions of CBT to improve the overall condition. The doctor will mainly manage the psychological elements and stress response in the gut to reduce the symptoms, where mindfulness and other coping strategies can also be taught. 

  1. Migraines

Migraines can cause severe headaches that may cause a pulsing sensation or throbbing pain in the head. This issue can also be associated with various symptoms such as light and sound sensitivity, nausea, and vomiting. 

One of the best psychological approaches that can control severe headaches is CBT. Assertive communication, stress management, and relaxation strategies are some of the common CBT techniques that can control pain, anxiety, or depression leading to migraine cycles. 

  1. Fibromyalgia 

Fibromyalgia is an inflammatory musculoskeletal disease which can cause widespread pain, cognitive difficulties, and fatigue. Undergoing CBT sessions can help in improving various symptoms of this disorder due to the involvement of various behavioural interventions, psychoeducation, and exercising and stretching techniques. 

Undergoing the sessions of cognitive behaviour therapy in Siliguri can be highly effective in coping with life changes and everyday challenges. It can help you recognize the negative thought patterns so that you can adjust them and adopt a positive lifestyle.