The 20-week ultrasound or fetal anatomy scan is an effective prenatal ultrasound that detects congenital disorders and determines the physical development of the baby. Most of the body parts and organs of the fetus such as the stomach, heart, hands, neck, brain, arms, kidneys, and chest are examined during this procedure. 

The other advantages of undergoing this test are that it measures the levels of amniotic fluid, listens to heart heartbeat of the fetus, and examines the placenta. If you have a family history of genetic disorders or have undergone recurrent stillbirth and miscarriages then you can contact the best gynecologist to undertake a fetal anatomy scan in Siliguri

Here are some of the genetic conditions that can be detected precisely with the help of a fetal anatomy scan. 

1. Cleft Lip And Cleft Palate 

Cleft lip and palate are common birth defects that can lead to the development of separation between the mouth and upper lip. This condition develops during fetal development when the tissues near the rooftop of the mouth and upper lip don't grow properly. Dental work and speech therapy are used to treat this condition. 

2. Patau Syndrome 

Patau syndrome or Trisomy 13 is developed by a fetus when there is an extra pair of chromosome 13. This syndrome can impact the normal functioning and development of the heart, face, and brain. In most cases, patau syndrome can lead to the death of the baby before the age of 1 or miscarriage.

3. Open Spina Bifida

Spina bifida is another common inborn disorder that is caused due to the improper development of the spine of the fetus. This type of neural tube defect usually develops during the initial period of the pregnancy. The main types of this disorder that may impact your baby are myelomeningocele, spina bifida occulta, and meningocele. 

4. Edward's Syndrome 

Edward's syndrome or trisomy 18 is mainly caused due to the delay in physical growth during the fetus's development. This genetic condition can impose various life-threatening conditions on the baby such as breathing abnormalities, kidney disease, and hernias. You can contact the best feto expert in Siliguri to reduce the risks of developing severe complications. 

5. Cardiac Anomalies 

A fetal anatomy scan can also detect any form of cardiac anomalies by looking for any abnormal blood flow, blockages in the arteries or heart, and underdevelopment of any part of the heart during the ultrasound. The common types of heart defects that a baby can be born with are hypoplastic left heart syndrome, ventricular septal defect, and coarctation of the aorta. 

6. Anencephaly

Anencephaly is one of the most fatal congenital defects, which can cause the death of the baby within a few days or even hours. This disorder usually develops when the skull and brain of the fetus don't develop properly. Proper prenatal screening and intake of folic acid can reduce the risk of this disorder. 

7. Gastroschisis 

Gastroschisis is another severe birth defect that can be precisely identified during a fetal anatomy scan. In this condition, the organs of the baby develop outside the body due to the improper formation of the abdominal wall. Surgery is the only treatment option to cure the condition after birth. 

You must always remember the fact that the conditions detected by the top gynecologist in Siliguri during the scan are just an indicator and not a final diagnosis. If any issues are identified then other effective scans or diagnostic tests will be recommended to develop an effective treatment plan.