Creating an amazing user experience can be challenging because it’s not easy to predict every single scenario that your users will run into while interacting with your product. That’s why most designers go by their instincts and create the best experience they can, but there are certain UI/UX design principles they may be breaking that they aren’t aware of – here are seven that many designers are guilty of doing and how you can avoid them...

1) If users can’t find your CTA, it doesn’t exist

To a user, your web page should be like the Rosetta Stone. When they look at your site, they should be able to see and click what they need without having to hunt for it. Ideally, you want to make it as easy as possible for a user to find what they're looking for and click that button. Buttons should always be large and in places that are visible, such as an image or banner area near the top of the page or on every page where it applies.

2) A landing page should look like a landing page

If you are designing a landing page, try to keep the form in order. This will help users focus on what they need and make the form much clearer. Proper spacing and alignment of text will not only organize your form more effectively, but also save you time.

Hamburger menus have been popular for years for good reason. It's way less scrolling, but it can be confusing for new users if they don't know that clicking on the menu button opens it up in a scrollable pop-up window.

3) Navigation is hard – here are 20 ways to improve

Is your app or site hard to use? If so, keep reading. There are tons of ways you can improve your app's navigation. The easiest and often overlooked fixes are the easiest to fix, too. By fixing these issues with navigation and other design mistakes, we found that people could find what they're looking for up to three times faster!

4) White space makes things better

Many designers swear by the power of using white space in your design. So what is it? White spaces are blank areas of a website or design that allow information to breathe, creating a more aesthetically pleasing user experience. White space can also be used to direct focus and make certain features stand out. However, remember not to overcrowd your page with empty content or clutter – too much white space can create confusion for viewers when it comes to what matters most.

5) Hierarchy improves comprehension

The Hierarchy Principle is something that you see when scrolling through any app, it's what tells the user what information is most important and should be seen first. Although this may seem like a no-brainer when you're designing an app, a study found that more than 60% of apps do not comply with this principle. App developers often leave out top-level headings, omit labels in their interfaces and fail to show tabs at the top of their apps.

7) Users scan, not read – make it easy for them

Users scan rather than read, so make sure your most important information is at the top of your text and laid out in an easy to follow format. For example, instead of placing your contact number at the bottom of an email, place it up front. Placing it at the bottom means that people will need to take time to scroll down and find it; after that has happened they've lost focus on their reason for contacting you!

6) Use fewer words and more images

It's tough for new designers to learn all the in's and out's of UX design principles when every blog post, forum thread, and tutorial is overflowing with technical knowledge. So how do you know what is worth understanding? With each new project we embark on, it becomes more and more apparent that there are some well-known principles of interface design (UI) and user experience (UX) that most designers seem to ignore.

Final Note

No matter what skill level you are, it's best to consult with a UI/UX Design Agency in India. These professionals will help you have a design that is able to translate on a variety of different platforms including desktop and mobile, which means they'll make your website look good anywhere.