Even when working a 40-hour week, it can often seem like there simply isn’t enough time in your day. But luckily there are many clever ways that you can make the most of your time and boost your productivity during the day. From simple methods like having a clear organization plan to implementing office workout devices like an under desk bike, you’ll be amazed at how you can transform your work habits and get more done than ever before. 

Here, we’re taking a closer look at several ways you can boost your work productivity. Most people are surprised by just how simple—and effective—some of these tips are for getting the most out of your time at work. 

8 Ways to Boost Your Productivity at Work

Whether working from home or in the traditional office, sometimes, it just seems like there isn’t enough time in your day. And even if there is enough time, it can be challenging to make the most of it and stay productive due to a variety of factors, including distractions, stress, or that one coworker who always insists on dropping by for a chat.

Regardless of these issues, there are many ways you can utilize (some of which are surprisingly simple) to help you stay focused, productive, and most importantly, fulfilled in your position at work. When you find ways to stay productive, you’ll not just get more done, but you’ll be pleased with your output. Keep reading for some tips on how to boost your productivity at work.

  1. Organize your space: you know when they say that a cluttered desk equals a cluttered mind? Well, for many of us, this rule remains true. First things first, tackle your workspace. Whether you’re at home or in an office, the area where you work can have a major impact on your productivity.

Start here to boost productivity. Clean up your workspace, clear out the clutter, and organize in a way that makes sense to you. There’s no perfect way to organize your space, which is why it’s important to develop your own organizational strategy that works for your specific needs.

  1. Tackle your hardest tasks first: we all do this, putting off your most challenging or dreaded tasks for the end of the day or the end of the week. But often when we do this, we simply end up fretting about that task throughout the rest of our day, serving as a major distraction that slows us down and steals our motivation. Instead, try to take on those hard tasks head-on and stop avoiding them. You’ll be amazed at how much easier it is to focus when they aren’t hanging over your head.
  1. Take short breaks: this could seem strange at first, but in fact, taking short breaks during your day can boost productivity. Whether it’s taking the form of a short walk, a trip to grab a coffee, or even a quick stroll around the office or a snack, a short break can help you refocus and be more productive. If you keep pushing yourself nonstop, you may actually become less productive.
  1. Use an office exercise device: working out while at work? It’s a possibility these days with a whole selection of exercise devices designed for the workplace. Using one of these devices, like a treadmill desk, bike desk, or even just a standing desk, can help you stay in motion and burn off calories during your day. Studies suggest that staying more active can actually help you stay focused and get more done. Using an office exercise device can also make you more creative and reduce stress levels (which, let’s face it, all of us could use in the office).
  1. Write out your goals each day: while a day in the office is sure to throw a curveball or two, it helps a lot of professionals to start each day by listing out their goals. Having clear, identifiable goals each day can help you know what you’re working toward so you stay focused and on-task. And who doesn’t love the satisfaction you feel when you get to cross off a completed goal?
  1. Practice the two-minute rule: first explained by David Allen in his book Getting Things Done, this rule is simple. If you see something you can do in two minutes or less, do it now. The idea is that, if you put it off, it will end up taking even longer and could even serve as a distraction. Tackle those short tasks as soon as you can.
  1. Turn off your notifications: sure, it’s not a good idea to “go dark” throughout your entire work day, but if you’re really focused on a certain task or project, go ahead and turn off your phone and email notifications. These little “dings” can dramatically throw us off and make it hard to focus, and thus, stay productive. For wrapping up big projects, it can also help to isolate yourself in a different workspace for a while.
  1. Identify your productive times: we all have different times when we’re most productive. Whether it’s right in the morning or a few hours into your day once you’ve settled, keep your high priority tasks for these windows of time. 

Conclusion – 8 Ways to Boost Your Productivity at Work

No matter where you’re working, productivity is always important. But with so many distractions, stressors, and simply so much to do, it can be a challenge to stay focused and productive throughout your workday. 

But luckily, there are many simple methods for helping you stay productive so you’ll feel better about what you accomplished each day. Start by organizing your workspace (wherever this may be) in a method that works for you. Consider writing out your daily goals, taking short breaks, or even investing in an office exercise device to keep both your body and mind happy. With these productivity tips and more, you’ll be amazed at what you’re capable of each day.