Managing your time can be tricky, especially in the workplace. Not only do you have to deal with deadlines and projects, but there’s also the presence of coworkers, managers and clients that can make it difficult to focus on getting things done the right way. However, if you learn to manage your time correctly and efficiently, you’ll be less stressed about the hectic atmosphere of your job and more able to focus on actually getting work done instead of stressing about whether or not you’re working enough hours. Check out these seven tips for mastering time management in the workplace.

1) Define your goals

You know what they say, time is money. Yet, we don't seem to value it as much as we should. That's why it's important to spend your time wisely and not waste any of it. To do this, you need to define what you want from your career. And once you have that clear vision in mind, it'll be easier for you to prioritize tasks. so that you can focus on your work with full dedication. The best way to ensure that you're doing a good job is by setting weekly goals, breaking them down into daily tasks, and then allotting a certain amount of time for each task.

2) Set a schedule

One of the most important steps to mastering time management is setting and sticking to a schedule. These tips should help you get started: plan your day by creating a schedule or using a template. If you track your time, you'll be able to figure out how you can free up more time in the future. Don't feel bad about taking breaks from time to time, as long as they aren't too frequent and you still have time to finish the things that need to be done. Do not feel obligated to work until 6 pm if you are working on a report from 10am-1pm and then from 3pm-5pm; leave some progress behind so that when you return tomorrow morning at 9 am, more work is waiting for you.

3) Learn to say no

It's really easy to get caught up in saying yes to every request that comes your way. But what happens when you say yes and then you have to do too much work? Your efficiency will go down, your stress will go up, and you'll start slacking on everything. The best thing you can do is learn to say no. It can be tough at first, but it gets easier with practice. Start by telling yourself that you need to keep track of your time so you know how long each task will take. When someone asks if they can ask a favor of you, try answering with: I'm sorry I'm not able to help right now, but thank you. Or I would love to help out!

4) Delegate and build a support network

It is important to learn how to delegate tasks and build a support network of people who can help you when you need it. It's also important to develop routines and habits that will make your time management easier. Develop systems and guidelines for both work-related and personal activities. The first step would be figuring out what system would work best for you, then developing guidelines for what should be done at certain times of the day, week or month.

5) Take breaks

It is important to take breaks throughout your workday, even if it means only taking one minute out of every hour. This can help you stay refreshed, and it also gives your brain a chance to process what you have been working on. On the other hand, when you don't take time away from tasks they can become monotonous and less productive.
If this is happening to you try taking a walk around the block or getting up from your desk to get some water or go outside for some fresh air. Spend 15 minutes each day on something that brings you joy: Dedicate at least 15 minutes each day to doing something that makes you happy. Think about what brings you joy and then find a way to incorporate that into your life in small ways. For example, watch TV shows that make you laugh or read books about topics that interest you. Remember yourself: You will be much more productive if you are taking care of yourself first rather than focusing all your energy on others.

6) Simplify and automate

1) Use time management tools. 2) Create a schedule and stick to it. 3) Prioritize your work. 4) Be proactive about your time. 5) Learn to say no, especially to things that aren't urgent or important. 6) Don't procrastinate. 7) Leave at least one hour of free time after work to relax. 8) Get into the habit of doing little tasks while waiting on something else (example: listening to an audiobook during your morning commute). 9) Establish routines so you don't have to think about what needs to be done next. 10) Avoid multitasking; focus on one task at a time.
The post ends here with these last tips for mastering time management in the workplace.

7) Be flexible

It can be easy to get caught up in the work and forget about your health. Take time during your lunch break to stretch, go for a walk, or take care of some other personal need. The key is to be flexible with your time management. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself by making deadlines that are unrealistic; instead, give yourself extra time when necessary and use it as needed. If you find yourself constantly late or behind, this may not be the right job for you. Stay focused: One way to stay focused is with meditation techniques which help quiet the mind.
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