What's the deal with running outdoors versus indoors? Well, let's take a look at some of the factors we need to consider. For many people, fitness is often hampered by busy schedules and running is the easiest way to stay in shape and keep yourself healthy – you can run around the neighborhood or get on a treadmill.

Whether you want the scenery of the outdoor, or the convenience of a dedicated room for workouts, all newbies in the sport ask these common questions: where should you run? What shoes should you use? How would you decide your pace?

There are some great ways to determine and get your running fix according to what you need. Lace up those shoes for these rundowns!

Things To Consider

When it comes to choosing between running indoors or outdoors, one of the first factors to consider is the weather condition. Yes, running outdoors can be enjoyable and refreshing, but sudden changes in the weather like heavy rain, snow, or extreme heat can ruin the moment. In such times, running indoors on a treadmill or using indoor tracks is safer and a more comfortable option.

Have you also determined your fitness goals? If you are training for a specific race or event, you may benefit more from running outdoors as it can simulate the actual race conditions like terrains and inclines. But if you are looking for convenience in your running routine, indoor running can offer a controlled environment where you can focus solely on your workout.

Safety Precautions

When it comes to running, whether you choose to do it indoors or outdoors, there are certain dangers associated with both options. Running outdoors may involve potential risks such as uneven landscapes, dealing with traffic, or encounters with stray animals. On top of that, if you don't prepare properly, you're at risk of dehydration and a heat stroke in a very hot weather, and hypothermia and frostbite in extreme cold temperature.

So, do you want to stay indoor now? Although indoor running looks much safer, there are still potential dangers that you should be aware of. According to Cedric X. Bryant in his interview with the Washington Post, the risk of injury from falls or accidents on the treadmill happen because someone is simply not paying attention. Also, it is very important that you read the machine's manual, are familiar with all the safety features, and regularly inspect the machine for any possible maintenance issues that may arise from it.

How To Measure Your Runs

Natural landmarks such as distance markers or specific routes can help you track your progress in outdoor running. Obviously, we're no longer in the Age of Expedition, and there are now wearables equipped with GPS devices and smartphone apps that can measure distance and pace. With the latest tech in the fitness industry, it is also possible these days to monitor your progress on a treadmill using built-in workout features, programs, and sensors.

You can also utilize fitness trackers or heart rate monitors to measure intensity and track progress over time. If you discover that you can run more quickly or for longer stretches of time without becoming tired, it's likely that your level of fitness is improving.

What You Need

Most of what you'll need is basically the same for each discipline. Running indoors typically requires a treadmill, which provides a cushioned surface for your feet and allows you to control the speed and incline of your run. The rest of the products, from footwear to gadgets, are essentially the same.

We can't talk about running if we don't talk about the proper shoes to use. It's best to pick shoes that can provide adequate support and cushioning to protect your feet from the impact of running on a treadmill. On the other hand, the most essential tool for running outdoor is a good pair of running shoes that are designed for outdoor terrain. These shoes should have a durable outsole to provide traction and stability on various surfaces like pavement, trails, or grass.

You should also wear appropriate clothing such as moisture-wicking shirts and shorts to keep you dry and comfortable during your run. Apart from footwear and clothing, you may get wearable technologies like a smartwatch that can provide valuable insights into your running performance. The majority of these tools and software can even provide you feedback on your runs.

Final Words

Whether you choose to run indoors or outdoors, running is an excellent way to improve your fitness, stay healthy, and boost your overall well-being so just pick the best option that you can commit to. Just remember to set realistic goals, allow yourself proper rest and recovery, and enjoy the process. Happy running!