Post-interview self-reflection is a ritual we all go through. We replay the discussion, pick apart our answers, and often land on that dreaded feeling of "I could've done better."

Even when the interview went relatively well, there's this looming sentiment of feeling "dumb" or inadequate. Why does this happen?

Let's dive in.

1. High Stakes & Pressure:

Interviews are high-pressure situations. They're often the gateway to a job opportunity, a career change, or even a life-altering event. Because of the importance placed on these encounters, it's only natural that individuals would dissect every aspect afterward, often being overly critical of their performance.

2. The Illusion of Perfection:

Many of us walk into interviews believing we need to be flawless. But this ideal is simply not achievable. The search for perfection can make any mistake, no matter how minor, feel magnified. As a result, even the smallest of stumbles can lead to feeling "dumb."

3. Overthinking:

The human brain is skilled at overanalyzing situations. We might fixate on that one question we believe we answered poorly, even if the other answers were spot on. This rumination can overshadow our entire perception of the interview.

4. Comparison with an "Ideal" Candidate:

Sometimes, we have this picture in our minds of the "ideal" candidate — someone who's eloquent, confident, and never misses a beat. Comparing ourselves to this fictitious persona can make us feel inadequate or less intelligent.

5. Natural Human Negativity Bias:

Research suggests that negative events or emotions have a greater impact on our psychological state than neutral or positive ones. This is known as negativity bias. Thus, after an interview, our brain might automatically highlight the negative aspects or uncertainties rather than the positives.

6. Unexpected Questions:

No matter how much we prepare, there are always questions that catch us off guard. When we feel unprepared or give a response that we believe wasn't up to par, it's easy to feel unintelligent.

7. Physical & Emotional Exhaustion:

Interviews can be draining. After an intense session, our energy levels are depleted, making it easier for self-doubt and negative self-perception to creep in.

Learn how to overcome feeling stupid

So, How Do We Combat These Feelings?

  1. Self-compassion: Recognize that nobody is perfect. We all have moments of self-doubt, especially in high-pressure situations. Be kind to yourself.

  2. Perspective: Understand that one interview doesn't define your worth or intelligence. It's just a snapshot of a particular day and time.

  3. Feedback: If possible, request feedback from your interviewer. Sometimes, our self-perceptions are far more critical than how others see us.

  4. Preparation: While you can't predict every question, being well-prepared can give you a confidence boost.

  5. Mindfulness and Reflection: Engage in practices that help reduce anxiety and overthinking, such as meditation or journaling.

So, feeling "dumb" or inadequate after an interview is a common experience, rooted in our natural human tendencies and the high-pressure nature of the situation.

However, by understanding the reasons behind these feelings and actively combating them, we can foster a healthier and more positive perspective on our performance. Remember, each interview is a learning experience on the journey of personal and professional growth.