Online meetings have become an integral part of modern business, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic forcing people to work remotely. While it is convenient and cost-effective, conducting online meetings comes with some challenges. Poor connectivity, technical difficulties, and distractions can derail productivity and negatively impact the meeting's effectiveness.

To ensure productive and positive online meetings, there are several strategies that organizers and participants can employ. In this article, we will discuss seven effective strategies for maintaining positive and productive online meetings.

1. Establish Clear Meeting Objectives and Agendas

Establishing clear meeting objectives and agendas is a crucial first step to ensuring a productive online meeting. A well-communicated agenda before the meeting sets the tone and ensures everyone is on the same page, and the desired outcomes are achieved.

The agenda should capture the meeting's purpose, clearly defining the topics for discussion, time allocated to each agenda item, and action items. A pre-meeting communication outlining the meeting objectives and agenda helps in preparing participants for what to expect.

2. Minimize Distractions

Distractions can be a significant obstacle to productive online meetings, especially when working from home, where distractions are abundant. Organizers and participants need to eliminate potential distractions and focus on the meeting's agenda.

Communicate with your family members or roommates about your meeting's schedule in advance and ensure that they know not to interrupt or make loud noises during the session. Turning off notifications and silencing phones can further help reduce distractions during online meetings.

3. Use High-Quality Audio and Visual Equipment

Poor audio and video quality during online meetings can lead to confusion and frustration. It is essential to invest in high-quality audio and visual equipment to ensure clear communication, improving productivity during the meeting.

Using noise-canceling microphones, high-quality speakers, and webcams can enhance the meeting's quality, ensuring everyone hears and sees each other clearly.

4. Encourage Active Participation

Encouraging active participation is vital to keeping everyone engaged during the meeting and maintaining productivity. It is essential to create a conducive atmosphere that promotes effective communication.

The meeting organizers should encourage participants to share their thoughts and actively participate in the discussion. They should also ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to contribute to the discussion and speak without interruptions or distractions.

5. Use Collaboration Tools

Collaboration tools like Google Docs, Dropbox, and Trello can be a great asset during online meetings. They provide a centralized platform for sharing project materials and notes, enabling real-time collaboration. Using collaboration tools ensures everyone is on the same page and helps to avoid confusion. These tools help keep the discussion focused on the agenda items, increasing the meeting's productivity.

For instance, using Jamie, an AI-powered meeting note tool, can facilitate this process tremendously. This software generates automated professional summaries of your meetings, including action items and discussion points. It works discreetly in the background without adding any extra participants to the call, facilitating focus. Having a concise and accurate summary at your fingertips allows for review and reinforcement of key points post-meeting which further enhances productivity.

6. Maintain Professionalism

Maintaining professionalism during online meetings is crucial to keeping the meeting positive and productive. Participants should dress appropriately, control their emotions, and use polite language throughout the session.

It is also essential to be punctual, avoid being late for the meeting, and ensuring that everyone has access to the meeting's notes regardless of their attendance.

7. Summarize Meeting Outcomes and Action Items

To ensure the meeting's productivity and effectiveness, it is essential to summarize the meeting outcomes and action items. A post-meeting communication outlining action items and responsibilities can help in ensuring accountability and tracking the progress of the project.

The communication should also capture agreed-upon schedules and deadlines, which can help in maintaining focus and promoting productivity.


Online meetings have become a staple of professional life, and many find them more convenient than in-person meetings. However, without a clear plan and strategies in place, they can quickly become unproductive and chaotic.

By establishing clear meeting objectives, minimizing distractions, using quality audio and visual equipment, encouraging active participation, leveraging collaboration tools, maintaining professionalism, and summarizing meeting outcomes, organizers and participants can maintain a positive and productive online meeting environment.

While online meetings present certain challenges, implementing these strategies can ensure that your meetings are successful and productive, benefiting the entire team and ultimately, the organization as a whole.